Thursday, 16 August 2012
Moral Panic Bandwagons Are Them
16 August 2012 Last updated at 14:51
Jersey to bring in 'Sarah's Law' [sic] to protect children [sic]
"A scheme to protect children [sic] in Jersey from sexual predators [sic] will come into force from the start of next year.
The Child Sex Offences Disclosure Scheme (CSODS) will allow parents to ask for a background check on anyone who has contact with their children.
It is based on the UK scheme, informally [sic] known as Sarah's Law [sic], which has been running for four years [sic].
Home Affairs Minister Ian Le Marquand said it would give better safeguards [sic] for children's safety and welfare.
He said: "Under the scheme which now operates in the UK, anyone can request that an individual who has access to a child or children is checked for a record of child sexual offences [sic]."
Version of 'Sarah's Law' [sic] to come into force
Keeping Children Safe [sic] – Your Right to Ask
So, let us, once again, correct all the disinformation and lies ...
"Re; Sarah’s Law in Jersey By Dr [not] Sara Payne MBE –
By The Phoenix Post Newsdesk | Filed in Dr [not] Sara Payne MBE, Phoenix Media Statement, The Phoenix Post Newswire
Re; Sarah’s Law in Jersey By Dr [not] Sara Payne MBE -"
Enough said.
"Sadly for my family and I, we were forced to learn the hard way, that when it comes to paedophile crimes"
No such thing, in English and Welsh law.
"‘knowledge is power’"
Only a careless fool would not have known that.
"and parents need all the power that they can get when it comes to protecting their children from predatory paedophiles."
It does not matter how much 'power' that they believe they have (in fact, there lies one of the greatest dangers of all), the 'predatory' offender will always successfully 'predate'. Good job the chance of one doing so is minute.
"My 8-year old daughter Sarah was abducted and murdered by a known predatory paedophile"
Incorrect. Mr Whiting has been diagnosed as not being a Paedophile and the offence on your daughter was not sexual.
For the record, all the evidence against Mr Whiting was circumstantial.
" – which inspired us all to fight for the right to know more."
Even if the CSODS had been the USA version (which is exactly what you and your media manipulators wanted it to be, when you first jumped on the bandwagon), it would still not have avoided the terrible death of Sarah. Only parental vigilance and education could do that; enough said.
‘Sarah’s Law’ was rolled out nationally in the UK last year"
No it was not. No law was created or amended. It was the formalisation of procedures, which were already in place and operational; again you (and many others) were duped and you have attempted to exploit your foolishness, ever since.
"and is already protecting children"
Provide your evidence that it has protected one child and/or not put more at risk.
"– with none of the fears about vigilantes and undergrounds having been realised."
(1) How would you know what has happened to (or will happen to) those who have been identified? Do you think ...
(a) It would be reported to the police?
(b) You would be informed?
(c) It would be made public?
(2) Thanks to the work done, by us, and others, we managed to make sure that the CSODS was just what was happening, already, under a new name. In fact, due to more formalities, now being in writing, it works in favour of those who have to register (in theory), when vigilante action needs be dealt with - so we thank you for that.
"We have clear evidence that with all the agencies working together – and working together with the public in this way – children can be better protected from known paedophiles"
Provide it, if you believe it exists; it will get a fair hearing.
"and we are extremely pleased to see the Jersey authorities empowering parents with one of the tools they will need to better protect their families from paedophile crimes"
See above.
This measure has, almost certainly, signed the death warrant of a child (or adult) in the future, for no gain.
"We want to thank all of the Jersey people who helped to make this happen"
Just as much dangerous, manipulated, fools, as you were.
"- with a very special thanks to Richard and Debroah Bougeard, who’s committed and determined support has made such a positive difference to the successful campaign to get ‘Sarah’s Law’ to the Island of Jersey."
See above.
"They and their supporters have achieved something that the then Home Secretary Jaqui Smith and I could not, reach the ears of the Jersey’s child protectors - there will be many children you will never know, who will be forever grateful to you for all of your efforts on their behalf – thank you from them…always. Dr [not] Sara Payne MBE –"
See above.
Great work (not) - more real risk to children, more fear for adults and more suffering for those who register.
Pretty obvious where all that will take us.
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