Friday, 19 April 2013
Thu, April 18, 2013
Florida County Posts Signs In Front of Sexual Predators' Houses Warning Neighbors
"A county in Florida is taking sexual predator warnings to another level by posting road signs outside of convicted rapists and child molesters' homes to tell the public of their criminal pasts.
Bradford County, Fla. police say the signs cost just $10 and many community members have expressed approval of them.
It reads: "PUBLIC NOTICE, (Insert Name Here) is a convicted sexual predator and lives at this location."
Sheriff Gordon Smith said it hopefully will ward off children and notify parents of convicts in their neighborhoods.
"If it prevents one more victim in my community, I've done my job as sheriff," he said.
There have been 18 signs put up so far."
Sex Offenders in Florida Now Have Warning Signs Outside Their Homes
Posted on April 26, 2013
Sex Offender Registry: Has it Gone Too Far?
"I’m a mom, and I’m skeptical of the sex offender registry. I know, not very common. In fact, when I read comments on almost any article regarding the sex offender registry, a common response is “If you don’t like the registry, you either aren’t a parent or you are a predator.” That exact statement is why I felt compelled to compose this post."
Sex Offender Signs Publicly Identify Convicted Predators In Florida (VIDEO)
In Fla., signs outside homes warn of presence of sexual predators; some question new measure
Florida home signs warn of presence of sexual predators
Sex Offenders' Homes Get Warning Signs in Bradford County, Fla.
Red signs don't rehabilitate
Signs of the crimes draw mixed reaction
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Fla. Officials Post Sex-Offender Signs Near Homes
"Officials in Bradford County, Fla., are posting permanent signs in red outside of homes of convicted sexual predators in local communities. The “public notice” signs include the name of the convicted sex offender and the words “ a convicted sexual predator and lives at this location.”
So far, the county has posted 18 of the signs since last month. Nearby Baker County began a similar program a year ago.
Bradford officials say this is how they’ve chosen to follow a mandate by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, which says officials must notify the community about a sexual predator’s presence. The law does not say how that notification must occur, however. Other places often use fliers or Web sites to notify community residents.
The signs have had mixed success in other cities. For example, a Kansas appeals court in 2009 overturned a judge’s decision, with the appeals court ruling that notification signs posted on the home and car of a past sex offender are not permitted.
Some Bradford County residents have praised the city’s move to add the signs to residences, while others say it goes too far by harassing people who already served jail terms and submitted to the public registry."
5:35 am
Richfield Doesn't 'Ban' Level III Sex Offenders, But Doesn't Have Any
"A Star Tribune study found uneven distribution in where offenders live in Minnesota, despite a law meant to spread out their places of residences across the state.
Once a week Richfield Patch brings readers the Richfield news they may have missed from the previous week.
Richfield doesn't have an ordinance restricting where Level III sex offenders can live—but there aren't any such offenders living in the city anyway.
Eight cities in Minnesota have "essentially banned" Level III sex offenders from taking up residence, according to the Star Tribune.
Those cities have restrictive local ordinances that work against a Minnesota law intended to spread out the state's population of Level III sex offenders. Instead, the offenders are concentrated in a few areas, such as north Minneapolis, the newspaper reported."
Journal Times editorial: Sex offenders vs. Not In My Back Yard
Bangor council restricts where sex offenders may live
Repeat sex offender sent back to jail after drinking beer
Sex offender charged for living too close to school
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