Sunday, 19 May 2013
It's That Simple - Just Be Human
Published: May 19, 2013
Mobile home park provides supportive community for sex offenders
"A No Trespassing sign is posted outside the Palace Mobile Home Park, which is home to over 100 sex offenders in St.Petersburg.
LEALMAN - When a 75-year-old man was fatally stabbed at the Palace Mobile Home Park last month, residents were shocked.
The slaying was out of character for this community of 80 mobile homes, spread out behind a liquor store and used merchandise shop in the unincorporated community of Lealman, just north of St. Petersburg.
More than 100 sexual predators and offenders live at the park, the highest concentration of such criminals in Pinellas County. Thanks to strict curfews and supports such as sexual offender counseling, understanding neighbors and even some ministry, the Palace Mobile Home Park has become a destination for sex offenders from across Florida — and even outside the state — looking for a place where they can steer clear of trouble and re-establish some sort of life.
There are few crimes here, and residents rarely commit other sex crimes."
Published: May 21, 2013
‘Sex Offender Village’
"Sex Offender Village: A small community known as Miracle Village, surrounded by sugar cane fields in South Florida, has become a refuge for more than 100 registered sex offenders who seek to rebuild their lives.
For this Op-Doc video, we visited a small community in Florida known as “Miracle Village,” where more than 100 registered sex offenders have settled since 2009. Surrounded by sugar cane fields, the community has become a rare refuge for them as they try to rebuild their lives in one of the only communities that will have them: stringent residency requirements make it almost impossible for them to live anywhere else."
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Miracle Village: A leper colony for bogeymen
"Almost 750,000 Americans are now on sex offender registries, and the numbers just keep growing. Because the truly dangerous are mixed in with the far more numerous low-risk offenders, registries are useless from a public safety perspective. But they do have a pernicious effect on ex-offenders, who -- like the lepers of yore -- oftentimes find themselves with nowhere to go and no hope of ever reintegrating into society."
What's It Like To Live In 'Sex Offender...
‘Sex Offender Village’
'Sex Offender Village' offers rare haven for the shunned and the shamed
Sex Offender Village - Op-Docs
High-risk rent: Renting homes to Wisconsin sex offenders
Sex Offender Village
Miracle Village: Sex offenders are welcome
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