Thursday, 30 May 2013
OK, Let's Squash This One, Here And Now
The rule is ...
[noun] [noun], is equivalent to, ... [noun] ... [verb[ed]] (i.e. intransitive, transitive etc):
Chocolate spread, is equivalent to, chocolate, which was spread.
Ice lolly, is equivalent to, a lolly, which was iced.
Adult prostitute, is equivalent to, an adult, which was prostituted.
Child prostitute, is equivalent to, a child, which was prostituted.
Any other interpretation, is one of a biased and confused mind (at least), with vested interests.
We hope this is now clear.
Please tell us ... why is Penny Marshall, so, blatantly, dense? - is it some kind of advantage, at ITN?
Addendum (11/6/2013)
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Media and Legal AVP (Anti Victim Prejudice) - "Child Prostitutes" child prostitute ring groomed and then raped vulnerable girls
"'Child' (Wiki) - "The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority"
"Prostitute" (Wiki) - "Prostitution is the business or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment. The person who receives payment for sexual services is called a prostitute or sex worker""
Richard, we will give you some time to reconsider your logical fallacies etc, and then we will correct you.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
AVP 5 - "Rent Boys"
"Rent Boy Scandal Rocks The Vatican"
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