Tuesday 7 May 2013

Too Many Shoving Pricks, It Appears

7 May 2013, 5:19 pm

Whistleblower cop axed, abuse probe told

"Whistleblower Peter Fox lied about forgetting to bring abuse victims' statements to a meeting.

Police whistleblower Peter Fox has told an inquiry he breached an order not to contact a Newcastle journalist who had information about child sex abuse.

Whistleblower cop Peter Fox was axed from investigating alleged child sex abuse by priests in the NSW Hunter region, despite his protests that victims had been through hell and he'd promised them he'd follow through.

Subsequently, he breached an order not to contact a journalist because he felt it was a sinister move designed to sabotage the investigations.

Detective Chief Inspector Fox, who has alleged a "Catholic mafia" of police and others tried to cover up the clergy's pedophilia in the NSW Hunter Valley, told an inquiry in Newcastle on Tuesday he was ordered off the case at a "hostile" meeting in December 2010.

Superintendent Max Mitchell, now an assistant commissioner, had made it clear to him that he would have no role in "any way, shape or form" in a new investigation.

But Insp Fox said the new probe was a sham he believed was "set up to fail", and the meeting confirmed his suspicion that some senior police were effectively trying to "sabotage" the investigations.

He said Supt Mitchell told him to hand over all statements and documents, which he did, and to have no further contact with Newcastle Herald journalist Joanne McCarthy.

But he said Ms McCarthy had more information than police and her input was the "genesis" of the whole police inquiry.

He breached the order not to contact her by sending her an email that night in which he outlined his removal from the case and said "the pricks can shove it".

"I make no apology for it," he told the inquiry."


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