Monday, 15 September 2014
'Sarah's 'Law'' Advert For September
Posted: September 05, 2014
Men who used gay website Grindr to ensnare would-be paedophiles jailed for four years each
"TWO men who used a gay website to ensnare would-be paedophiles and blackmail them have been jailed for four years each.
The pair posed as an under-aged boy to lure two users of the Grindr website to meet for sex.
But both victims were horrified when they met up instead with blackmailers Nathanael Foster, of Wheatstone Road, Gloucester and Adam Webb, of Kingsway , Quedgeley, who demanded £15,000 from one and £10,000 from the other to keep quiet about their paedophile interests.
One of the victims had £15,000 saved in an ISA and drew it out from the bank to give to the men after they stayed all night in his flat to ensure he paid up.
But the other did not have any money and when they suggested he should carry out a ram raid to get the cash he felt he had no alternative but to go to the police.
Foster and Webb, both 26, pleaded guilty to two charges of blackmail."
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