Friday, 24 March 2017
'Sarah's 'Law'' Advert - Special Edition
Please meet 'mum' Emma ...
March 22, 2017
Hull mum's horror as she discovers paedophile Richard Lawson living on her street
"SHOCK: Emma Dickinson found out Richard Lawson, inset, was a paedophile.
A housing association has agreed to help a disgusted mum-of-two move after she found out she is living close to a convicted paedophile.
Emma Dickinson, 34, was shocked to learn she was living on the same street as Richard Lawson - a 67-year-old man who indecently assaulted a child and a teenager in the 1980s as well as a woman in the 1990s.
Lawson was sentenced to 15 months in jail at Hull Crown Court in April last year after pleading guilty to both charges but was released in November on licence.
Lawson, who occasionally looked after Miss Dickinson's children prior to his conviction, was also placed on the Sex Offender Register for 10 years.
Miss Dickinson, of north Hull, was not told about Lawson's release by police and she now feels on edge with her four-year-old boy and 11-year-old girl living so close to him.
Emma is keen to move away from her house in north Hull
She said she did not feel comfortable living so close to a convicted sex offender.
"It makes me feel uneasy it really does and I don't feel comfortable in my own home," she said.
"There should be more laws and I thought there was a law where we were supposed to know about sex offenders in the area."
When Lawson was sentenced, the judge in his trial condemned his "despicable behaviour" and added it was important "offences of this nature come into the open so other children are protected."
During his sentencing, it emerged one of Lawson's victims claimed he had said "paedophiles should be hanged."
Emma feels 'uneasy' about her children living near to a convicted paedophile
In mitigation, solicitors for Lawson asked that he be given a suspended sentence so that he could continue to look after his frail wife.
Places for People, the housing association through which Miss Dickinson rents her home, have since said they will support her to secure a move elsewhere. A spokesperson said: "We would be happy to advise Miss Dickinson in how to apply for alternative accommodation.
"If she feels at risk and believes she needs to move urgently then she should contact the local authority for emergency re-housing. All our available properties are listed on our website and customers can apply to move, providing they meet the relevant criteria."
However, Miss Dickinson feels that she is being driven out of her own home by Lawson's criminality and thinks he should be the one to move out.
Richard Lawson was jailed for 15 months in April 2016 but was released in November last year on licence
She added: "I want to see him move. Why should I have to move? It would be better for him to go into a quieter area in sheltered accommodation, especially when he is living directly near to young children.
"His windows are always getting smashed and I've got two very frightened children. Why should I be the one to move? There is no priority for me and I don't agree with any of it really."
Under the Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme, which is more commonly known as 'Sarah's Law,' concerned residents can ask any police force in the country if someone with access to a child has a record for child sexual offences.
Police will reveal details confidentially to the person most able to protect the child (usually parents, carers or guardians) if they think it is in the child's interests."
So, Emma, and many others, would like to know, where they can move away, from those 'horrific sex offenders'. Knowing where these people are, will make them feel safer etc - so they claim.
Over to the USA, and select a city/town, with similar socioeconomics to Hull. That would be Chicago, Illinois ...
THE WATCHDOGS: Sex predators living in public housing despite ban
September 9, 2016
Like reverse Tinder: The app that tracks and maps your local suburban rapists and paedophiles
March 1, 2011
An offender among us: How do we keep our children safe?
Same, everywhere ...
September 1, 2011
Are Sex Offender Laws Backfiring?
Updated: 10:24 PM CST Nov 14, 2017
Understanding sex offenders: the untold story
An inside look at the people on Nebraska's sex offender registry.
Now, please do tell us, Emma and others, where are you going to move to?
How much safer you would feel, knowing about all those dots around you and your family, moving around, day and night? (almost every one is not going anywhere, anytime, soon).
What you would do, differently, to what you do now, so as to keep your children 'safe'?
Please tell us.
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