Your threat is noted.
Please, do make sure, that you email us, at, so that, we may be prepared and that you get the correct address.
We draw, your attention, to the following ...
Games With Serious Frontiers - Part 1
You have carried out, the first action, in a, potential, course of actions.
You would do well, now, to step back, and take stock. We, also, recommend, that you take legal advice, as soon, as you are able.
This is your final warning.
Information to, as usual, please.
— GhandisKongGood (@LutherKongGood1) December 21, 2017(Embedded Tweet - click date)

Always Gold, Always Easy ...
... and, no, Kyle ... Dr Oldfield, does not; but, anyone,
other than a simpleton, would already know that :)
Nice ... Come To Nigel :)
For all those, who may wonder, what is an, ultimate, acceptable, legal, response, to vigilante/thug actions, which places someone in fear, or endangers the life, of an innocent person, we will leave this here ...
18:03; Mr Astill, allows death/violence threats, harassment etc to persist and continue, on his thread
Your post and threats are noted.
Although, there is no need, for us, to do so, we draw your attention, once again, to the following ...
Games With Serious Frontiers - Part 1
You have carried out, the second action, in a course, of actions.
You have now introduced, an unrelated and vulnerable, female, into the issue.
Our 'threats', are legal, correct and guaranteed.
We will make it, crystal-clear, for you ...
We are not concerned, with your inane and incorrect, rantings and baitings; they will be absorbed and recorded; referred to, later, if needs be.
The issue, is one, of carrying out offences, under the Statutes, to which you have been directed. This issue, is one, of threatened physical presence, at the home, of an, innocent, individual, placing them in fear, of risk of attack and creating anxiety and distress ...
This is a formal instruction, to Mr Darren Astill,
to cease and desist, from menacing, stalking, harassing
and causing anxiety and distress, or allowing such,
via various social media vehicles (all evidenced).
to cease and desist, from menacing, stalking, harassing
and causing anxiety and distress, or allowing such,
via various social media vehicles (all evidenced).
We note the fist emoticons, in your post, suggesting, that your intention, is to carry out physical violence, on Dr Oldfield, should you meet him.
So, the questions, are:
(1) Do you intend, to visit the home, of Dr Oldfield?
(2) Do you intend, to carry out, physical violence, on him?
(3) If not, what is the purpose, of such a visit?
Once again, please, do make sure, that you email us (as above), so that, we may be prepared and that you get the correct address.
We look forward, to your response, before we proceed, further.
18:21; Mr Astill, allows death/violence threats, harassment etc to persist and continue, on his thread
On the evening, of 22/12/17, Mr Astill's Facebook page, became unavailable. Whether this is permanent, or temporary, remains to be seen.
Mr Astill, has, already, been reported to the police, in the last two months, due to his online threats and menaces, to another person.
Prologue - Sins and Sons of Stinson
Why Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends, Antis, Vigilantes And Their Aggressive Thralls, Do What They Do
There Is Now No Need (Still) For The Paedophile Hunters [Sic] To Meet Their Prey - Ever
Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends - Why They Are Pointless, Time-Wasting, Resource-Wasting, Ignorant, Hater, Fools
Vigilante Paedophile [Sic] Hunting Groups In The UK Are Out Of Control
You Know It Is All Over, Go Now, With A Modicum Of Integrity
The Reasons, 'Hunters' Do Not Do, What They Should Be Doing
One More Nail, In The Coffin, Of Any Future Legal Authority
The 'Hunters' Are Restless
Not The First Time, These Simpleton Reprobates, Have Caused Conflict, Social Unrest And Public Order Issues
Slowy, But, Surely
Could Not Have Happened, To A Nastier, Guy (Well, Perhaps, A Few More, A Bit Nastier)
The Likes Of Stinson Hunter's Prey And Sex With 'Kids' - Get A Clue !!!
If you are affected, by any of the issues, raised, here ...
MAPs - you are not alone - very much, not alone ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tor versions, available, for most downlinks.
Thank you.
His anger seems entirely centered around his name being revealed. I have heard of his name before (not from this site either) a few times on Facebook - but can't remember who and where it was mentioned.
ReplyDeleteGetting himself worked up into a state over nothing, Hunters like Stinson and Brannigan, along with Mr Hurst, the Hunted One members etc...have all gone public and no harm has come to them or their families, so these hunter's get paranoid over nothing as thus far, the only people I've seen making threats an actually turning up at other hunter's addresses to threat them is...yes, you guessed it, other hunters (due to the fact most of them are Jezza Kyle show chavs)!
Unfortunately, most of these hunters are short on grey matter so it's quite possible they will make good their ridiculous threats.
It seems it's fine to say people who have committed other crimes (such as arson on a school) can be forgiven as long as they don't do it again, but anyone like Mr Oldfield, who once looked at illegal images and paid for his crime in prison, is forevermore deserving of violence and death (according to the followers on Tyson's page).
These people are driven by a hunger for mass hysteria it seems. I'm guessing they will want to kill Adam Johnson on the day of his release too.
Phil Hoban served 42 months in prison for stealing a cash machine and has a steel pellet permanently embedded in his back following a drug dispute where he was shot.
DeleteStinson Hunter is a convicted arsonist who burned down a school and did nearly 8 years.
Shane Brannigan has more convictions than I can possibly count and even admitted on video to smashing up police vehicles and assaulting a police officer when he was younger. Although he didn't actually confirm it, I would be shocked if he hasn't spend some time in prison for all of that.
He now uploads videos showing off offensive weapons, Class B drugs, and encouraging extreme violence.
But somehow these people have all of this forgiven and forgotten, just because they are "protecting kids" (which they aren't)? Good grief is this what we have come to.
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteHe is well known; he did it, all, himself. We have had him archived, fully, for months, before, he deleted, his trail.
Mr Astill will be met, with all, legal, means, necessary, as many others have found out, to their cost.
He should heed our advice, very, strongly.
Just saw that threat on their page......
ReplyDeleteNot being funny 30 minutes down the road, well if someone had done something to me like that, I wouldn't be posting it on Facebook, I would be knocking on their door and having it out with them.
But they forget #initforthekids...... no its all about likes and massaging their egos, it's called the "Hero" or "God" complex.
It shows exactly how much grey matter they have...... I know what, I might go have ago at somebody, first though I will post it on Facebook, so when and if I go knocking the police will have a nice evidence trail to charge me with.
Complete load of Morons with the IQ of a goldfish, making idol threats.....
Dr Oldfield ensure if they do come a knocking you do a love sting on them so we get a good shot of their faces.
Dear Anonymous,
DeleteThey are all from Facebook - that says it all :(
Appropriate preparations and protocols are, always, in place :)
Hang on let me get this right for a minute.....
ReplyDeleteThey can go about exposing people, bullying people, intimidating people and spreading peoples names across Facebook pages and the rest of the Internet.
But don't like it when their own names are exposed.
What makes me laugh is the comment "come out of retirement", IT/Hunting isn't a's a hobby. Most of the followers are just on the pages to see the LIVE stings, because that's all they are......entertainment for the masses.
And "Darrel" should be losing his S.I.A licence, "Derrrrr posting this picture so......Derrrrr people might seeee Derrrrr how big I think I am and be scared of me coming for dem"......he is a disgrace to the industry. It's for providing security as a bouncer or at a gig, not transporting benefit thiefs/mental patients around "stinging" people. Would der if the "I have an S.I.A licence, so I invaded his personal space and threatened him, ur honour" would stand up in court.
Complete Joke.
Dear Anonymous,
DeleteYou are correct, yet, ironically, Darren is one of the better (not hard, we know) 'blokes', amongst them all.
We can only put this down, to an aberration, due to his, presently-taxed and deflated, mental state cf Oliver Ferns.
We do hope, he learns, from it - quickly.
Marcus Johnson aka Gordon sumner from Wolverhampton goes around saying he’s military trained. No.. he just follows his mates around on stings who are, while he’s on benefits.
DeleteYou got Julie short but a mouth what makes up for it, gobing off but once shit hits the fan she calls for her big boys. It’s ok to be all mouth Julie and then stand back while your boys sort it out after winding people up.. using so called military training on an innocent until proven guilty individual.
We all have your back Dr Oldfield ive already made the police aware of this threatening post. Not that you have anything to fear from Sally from Portsmouth or Debbie from London or any of his sheep. He had no intention of giving up "hunting" he's just doing this for attention and trying to act all big and bad. He's pathetic can't wait to see him with his nice sliver braclets on. Ha ha
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
I don't understand why these hunters have a problem with you. Your not even a paedophile you have a wife who is an adult not a child you have never touched a child ever you were in a bad place 20yrs ago. I think its time they stopped using your name for there own self gain and moved along.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
Not a wife, at this time :)
Because, they fear what they do not understand or tolerate, or do not wish to. They are locked in ignorance.
So, they have to create a mythical beast, around their biases, fears, hate, confusions and sexualities.
Dr Oldfield one of those myths.
TYVM again.
Why can't these idiots just leave Mr Oldfield alone. He's proved that he's not intimidated by them so what are they getting out of goading Mr Oldfield time and time again. All that's going to happen is they will be locked up for Christmas.
ReplyDeleteWell its them that has the issues not Dr Oldfield he can hold his head high the same can't be said for them.
ReplyDeleteI saw a tweet by RolandRimmer outing Tyson Hunter as Darren Asthill back in September.
ReplyDeleteWhat has been shown is that the truth always comes out. The hunters think they're invincible, undercover, quasi-police or quasi-military.
Instead, we find a bunch of self-appointed, braindead, work-shy, morally corrupt, fame-hungry, ugly weirdos, likely suffering from a dangerous and severe personality disorder (or two).
Darren Asthill... Stinson Hunter... Chris Wittwer... Oliver Ferns... Sarah Doherty... Kellie Howarth... Phil Hoban... Gordon Sumner/Marcus Johnson... David Poole... Darren Minto...
Look at the behaviour of them all, making murderous threats against Dr Oldfield, and others, either now or in the past.
Sarah Doherty of Internet Interceptors tonight using her Paula Sting alias, posting up photos she took of Shane Brannigan's home location, as a deliberate act of threatening behaviour towards him, taken at night-time and invading his privacy.
The problem they have is a false sense of security, all the time hiding away behind their closed Facebook groups, thinking they can post whatever unlawful, hateful, murderous content they like without censure. How wrong you all are.
All the hate-filled comments, all the threats of violence and threats of murder behind the safety of your "closed" groups, all captured in screenshot, creating a perpetual evidence trail.
Dr Oldfield and the editors at the OSC have even captured the vile threats of tonight. Did you all really believe comment was anonymous when you post up murderous threats using your own name and your own photo from your own Facebook profile.
Oh.. and wait for it.. Because I disagree with the hunters and their braindead fans must mean I'm a paedophile and should be murdered myself. Wrong. I'm not a paedophile.
�� ��
Darren Astill is known in Chesterfield as a violent bully who is keen with his fists.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
DeleteEvidently so.
However, as is the policy, of The OSC, we do not allow, or support, exact location doxing.
Mr Astill, does have family and children.
They are all bullies. It is why they do what they do.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
DeleteWhich is why, we, as part of a civilised society, do not tolerate it and will proceed, legally, if needs must; we have before, we will again.
He's angry with you for naming him, and yet he clearly names himself on his own Twitter account. What a brain dead bonobo (someone throw him a banana)!
I see his followers are equally stupid, still assuming anyone who disagrees with vigilantism, over the desire to live in a civilised society where offenders are dealt with by professionals, and due legal process only, is somehow equating to being a 'sympathiser of child abusers.'
These people truly are as thick as whale soup.
Have any of these so called hunters actually thought of the long term risk they have exposed themselves to? Sarah Doherty boasts that she has put 70 men in prison. She doesn't seem the slightest bit concerned that some may come looking for her when they leave prison.
ReplyDeleteMarcus Johnson boosts around he’s a single dad and he’s having family time... get your head out your phone and be one then!
DeleteHe’s that worried of being revealed, him and Sarah Doherty were at Dr Oldfields flat but remained silent (until you could hear Marcus saying something along the lines of quick let’s go at the end)
They try and be clever about hiding but are still being deceitful in the background...
They also go on at these men on their wrongs when many of these hunters are doing wrongs themselves in their two faced community!
If they are that worried, they don’t have to do it! Simple!
This is from a so called child protector....does this sound like a careing man. How dare they claim to protect kids yet are willing to incite violence and cause distress to a vulnerable innocent lady. I hope Dr Oldfiled has sort advise from the relevant authorities. I would like to take this opportunity to wish him and his partner and Merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteToday I must have seen the best post I have ever seen from Shane Brannigan.....
ReplyDeleteHe was asking his followers why Darren would want to message Dr Oldfield, basically putting a view over to his "Groupies", that Darren had an ulterior motive by doing so and creating a vision that Darren might be a Peadophille.
Is Shane losing it? Is he that mentally unstable?
I remember the days...weeks.....months he spent messaging Dr Oldfield, posting about him on his various pages again and again, offering to meet him, tweeting him continously.
Shane seems to forget that the general populous are not a thick as his herd of sheep and remember things.
So why would Darren be a Peadophille by messaging Dr Oldfield, but Shane not be by doing exactly the same.
Shane is becoming more and more unhinged. He says he does it for the kids, but doesn't see the damage he is doing. He has a child himself, as do a lot of hunters, they don't think of the further danger they might put their own children in. They think they hide behind fake profiles, but as can be seen they are slowly getting exposed. Most of them wouldn't have heard of the Deep Web, let alone the Dark Web. They Facebook crew is all but 0.1% of the visible Web.
Dear Anonymous,
DeletePlease provide a link, for the comments, or links, and/or screenshots, to
Shane Brannigan needs proper help and therapy. He has totally snapped, is showing signs of mental illness and appears to be smoking skunk.
DeleteThe first gift of this Christmas has arrived...
ReplyDeleteChelsey Harwood has lost her voice!
Once the hunters went to Dr Oldfields and realised who his partner was, they then started hunting her. Stated she’s a vulnerable adult and she’s under Dr Oldfields power. They also heard she was pregnant and the hunters hoped she wasn’t by him.
ReplyDeleteThey were on a mission to get her away from Dr Oldfields as I saw one hunter comment “ she knows no better, so doesn’t see what Oldfield is doing to her”
Kieran Dixon is one to watch. He spends so much time on computers, he makes so many fake websites, profiles etc he’s not to be trusted. He was involved in the Alexandra Fabian and helda Williams case.
Dixon is a billing vile rat he's now trying to make his way back in to the community after he was outted as Sarah's lap dog. He's rejoined Predator hunters with keV Taylor.
Dear Anonymous,
DeleteTY, yes.
Poor, old, flakey, Stacey, been dumped? :(
TY, to all, commentators,
ReplyDeleteBusy time, presently :)
I am really becoming more aghast at how thick these hunters are. We already know the police are very keen on online abuse and serious (usually racist) trolling these days so anyone using Facebook to facilitate, incite or threaten violence are going to get a knock on the door. It's almost certain.
ReplyDeleteSeveral of Shane Brannigan's more recent Facebook rants have been reported to Surrey Police. Word is they are very interested as they have had enough of him, while he has had enough of all the other hunters. If you go on video glorifying drug use and showing off all your offensive and illegal weapons while inciting and threatening extreme violence against yourself and others, don't expect the police to laugh it off. Especially when you are someone whose life has already been threatened by those you have exposed.
Of course things like this will just make the hunters froth, swear and get more and more angry, much like poking a bear with a stick. This leads to a further cycle of destructive behaviour which will result in even more police attention and being viewed by the public in a much less favourable light.
When you're in a hole you're supposed to stop digging, not hire a JCB. I rather think we are seeing the endgame for these silly hunters. Their behaviour is becoming ever more ridiculous and the police are cracking down hard to send them a clear message. Even the more established groups like Guardians of the North are being treated very harshly at their stings and conviction rates are dropping.