Friday, 1 December 2017
'Sarah's 'Law'' Advert For November
Published: 11:22, 30 November 2017 | Updated: 11:36, 30 November 2017
Vigilante paedophile hunter 'tried to kill an innocent stranger by stabbing him multiple times after wrongly believing he molested a teenage boy'
"A vigilante paedophile hunter stabbed and tried to kill an innocent stranger he wrongly thought was a child sex offender, a court heard.
Dean Wilkinson, 48, attacked Adam Ashton, 49, in the street after a woman accused him of abusing a teenager, a jury was told.
He allegedly produced a wooden-handled knife and stabbed him so badly he was hospitalised for 12 days.
He suffered a punctured spleen which was removed by surgeons.
Plymouth Crown Court heard the attack happened when Mr Ashton and his friend Alan Brunt left a Co-op in the city around 7pm on November 2 last year.
James Beal, prosecuting, said Wilkinson, who lived nearby, confronted the two men.
He said: 'He was carrying a wooden-handled kitchen knife with a blade about six to seven inches long.
'He held the knife to Alan Brunt's throat and said to them: 'Which one of you is Adam?'"
5 DEC 2017
Plymouth thug jailed for stabbing rumoured paedophile in homophobic gang attack
"Dean Wilkinson, aged 48, is locked up for almost five years for ambush in busy street."
Absolutely disgusting, and as we all know - many of the 'top chavvy hunters' applaud mob rule in the community.
ReplyDeleteCertainly not the first time this had happened, and won't be the last, unless the government come down hard on vigilantes.
Dear Anonymous,
DeleteAs they are not part of the solution, in these cases, they are part of the, terrible, problem; that includes, 'Hunters', too.
Indeed, it is not, and we collate them, here, under the 'CSODS' [sic] label.
Hate crime categorisation, should be applied, to attacks, on all ex-offenders; that would be, a good start.
Shane Brannigan read out statistics connected with CEOP and claimed he could get far better results with only a 5th of their budget.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, I state that the VAST MAJORITY of men trawled in vigilante hunting nets are in fact men that would necessarily have offended, had those hunters not put decoys on ADULT ONLY sites and apps.
Jim Gamble pointed this fact out, and even Stinson Hunter admitted that he was 'not catching paedophiles.'
Shane has very limited mental capacity (further compounded by smoking 'reefers' live on cam)and in unable to understand how detailed and thorough police/agency investigations have to be to secure a conviction properly. They certainly don't have the time to pretend to be children on adult dating sites like most of the amateur idiots do. Instead, they target real offenders of the most serious kind. Granted, occasionally some of these 'hunters' do in fact discover a real offender with a past history of offending, but these 'captures' are few and far between.
The vast majority of these men are lonely and obviously desperate enough to chat with anyone that shows them a but of attentions, hence they make the rather idiotic mistake of carrying on a conversation with a decoy. Only mass education was help reduce the numbers making this mistake.
I was actually agreeing with something Shane was talking about when he mentioned an app called 'BIGO,' as this is similar to periscope but has a lot of children on cam, being asked to undress by adults.
I have always said that these vigilantes should concentrate solely on targeting online places where children actually exist (as opposed to hunting in places they are not proven to exist, such as adult dating sites - or certainly not on any large scale anyway).
I've always felt it was quite an irony that some of the hunting pages show apps means for children that should be avoided, but don't actually get involved in hunting on these sites/apps.
Shane talks about how vigilantes are more effective, yet most of his 'comrades' are catfishing men on adult only sites, and therefore present a 'false reality' to the general public, whom should be smart enough to understand that they as parents should take responsibility as to what sites their children can/can't visit.
If Shane and the other hunters were targeting real paedophile communities, their results would be lacking. How many times have these hunting groups accessed the Deep Web? I'm guessing the answer is none.
It is actually a shame that the general public are so easily fooled by these hunters, who in the main, are far too lazy to try and catch real paedophiles, because it is far easier for them to reel in yet another idiot from an adult only site.
The police chiefs needs to recognise the false reality and lies spread by these hunters, and address it publicly so that the people of this country can get a better understanding of the reality, and the REASON Stinson Hunter stated that he is NOT CATCHING PAEDOPHILES, all those years ago.
Dear Anonymous,
DeleteOh, how we laughed.
Perhaps, in the future, we will show, once again, why Shane (and others) thinks, looking at some bits, on the internet, faulty logic, and child-like interpretations, are enough, to be a useful commentator, on criminology, judicial practice, policing and penal policy.
For now, we will just, keep on laughing.
A good question was raised by a concerned parents while watching the Silent Justice sting last night. Because the hunters told the alleged offender that he must not name the application they stung him on, she asked how she is supposed to ensure her child is not using that app, if they won't name it.
ReplyDeleteNot naming the sites and apps is something you will see all of these vigilantes insisting upon in their sting videos. They might try to claim that it is so that potential offenders don't get word of which apps to avoid, but that wouldn't be the full story at all.
The only thing they would need to protect (from a logical viewpoint) would be the decoy profiles themselves. The fact they don't wish for potential offenders to know which sites to avoid, pretty much tells me they want them to offend, so that they can catch them and claim their glory once again.
The reality is this, they also do not want frightened parents to realise that the vast majority of decoys are fishing on adult only sites. Occasionally, I have witnessed the odd parent question why a child would be on those sites in the first place (they obviously have a brain), but they just get met with the old and baseless 'sometimes kids go on those sites' response. These vigilantes have never provided a shred of credible evidence to back up that claim.
The public are being fooled; especially those who donate to vigilantes with a begging bowl.
Once again, Keeping Kids Safe choose to do a sting at the most inconvenient time possible. This is on purpose, as Mr Hall gets off on the power trip (hence the black gloves, making him look and feel like Darth Vader).
ReplyDeleteMr Hall voiced a complaint during the sting that it took ten minutes to get answered on their 999 call. That is because the Metropolitan Police are one of the busiest in the country, and so if you 'choose' to sting on a weekend, and late at night, they WILL be busy with genuine emergencies (as well as answering the 999 calls to idiots that should not have rang that emergency number).
This brings me onto the subject of vigilantes calling 999.
It isn't a 999 matter. the emergency number is for emergencies only, the clue is in the word 'emergency.'
Chav vigilantes everywhere are far too thick to understand that even if they call 999 (I'm surprised the operators are not telling them to get off the emergency line to be honest), they will not receive an 'emergency response.'
The calls are graded in the control room, so if it was being treated as an emergency, the police response would be fairly quick. The police seem to take an average of between 40 minutes to 60 minutes or so to respond to these vigilantes idiots, and this is because the control room operator has graded their call accordingly.
Inventing a crime through the use of fictional children will NEVER be graded as an emergency by the police control rooms. Get that into your thick skulls.
Let's just hope that people with genuine emergencies do not suffer, because 'Jeremy Kyle show' buffoons keep tying up the operators they need to speak to.
Chav vigilantes, your call is being graded as a non emergency response, so have the decency to think of people with real emergencies, and call 101 in the first place.
Dear Anonymous,
DeleteDaniel Hall, is a socially-inadequate, disrespectful, ignorant, right-wing, fascist, hater, thug.
He knows little, or cares, about such realities.
It is all about him; always has been.
A female hunter in Scotland has just old a guy that their child decoy ''should be at home thinking about makeup.''
The purpose of makeup for women is to make themselves appear more attractive, in order to increase their chances of attracting a mate.
In terms of comedy value, these vigilantes are the 'gift that keeps on giving.'
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteSadly So.