Tuesday, 30 January 2018
'Sarah's 'Law'' Advert For January
"A Las Vegas man told his neighbor he killed two homeless people behind a central-valley swap meet because one of them was a sex offender, court documents show.
“The neighbor explained he had been sexually assaulted as a child and took offense to sex offenders,” 32-year-old Michael Thompson’s arrest report said.
Prosecutors charged Thompson with two counts of murder Thursday in the Dec. 26 shooting deaths of Rhonda Ballow, 27, and Alfred Wilhelm, 53, court records show. Thompson remained in Clark County Detention Center on Friday evening.
Detectives learned that a woman’s neighbor told her he killed a man and a woman behind the swap meet on the 2900 block of West Washington Avenue, near Rancho Drive, according to the arrest report.
The neighbor told the woman he killed the man because he was a sex offender and killed the woman because she refused to leave, the report said."
I do smile at these status posts on vigilante pages.
Dark Light
15 mins ·
up to 10 years imprisonment for owning a kodi box and 2 years imprisonment for wanting to rape a child. There needs to be some serious reform in the sentencing guidelines regarding child sex exploitation.
There also needs to be reform on the remanding guidelines of people like Michael Hyde who we stung on sunday alongside justice 4 kids. This man was a clear risk to children and the judge decided that he wasn't a risk to the public bailing him until he appears at crown court.
How is this protecting young people. He wanted to have sex with a 12 year old child and he apparently isnt a big enough risk to remand to prison..... we do what we do for awareness and to protect children..... what does the system do to safeguard children??????''
Starting with this:
''up to 10 years imprisonment for owning a kodi box and 2 years imprisonment for wanting to rape a child. There needs to be some serious reform in the sentencing guidelines regarding child sex exploitation.''
Ther clearly don't understand that there is a huge difference between talking to a decoy on an adutl dating site - and actually raping a real child. The gulf between the two scenarios is gargantuan.
''There also needs to be reform on the remanding guidelines of people like Michael Hyde who we stung on sunday alongside justice 4 kids. This man was a clear risk to children and the judge decided that he wasn't a risk to the public bailing him until he appears at crown court.''
They also clerly don't understand that the judge, unlike vigilante fuckwits, actually has the necessary credentials to assess each situation for what it is. A man making the mistake of talking to a decoy on an adult dating site, has never been proven to a danger to real children other than the odd rare care where vigilantes snare a 'repeat offender,' or someone that is found to have been chatting to 'real children.'
The vast majority (I'd estimate at least 90/95% over the last ten years of vigilante hunting) of men caught in their nets are first time offenders - who are simply people that have got caught in that 'online fantasy scenario' and merely proven that lots of men get carried away in that type of scenario.
''How is this protecting young people. He wanted to have sex with a 12 year old child and he apparently isnt a big enough risk to remand to prison..... we do what we do for awareness and to protect children..... what does the system do to safeguard children??????''
There were never any real children at risk, otherwise they would have evidence that the person in question groomed/raped real kids. Just like most vigilante idiots, they have zero evidence to back up their 'speculations.' The judge has no real children to protect, as there are none involved.
The judge will also probably not give him the sentence YOU, the vigilante thinks he deserves. This is due to 'sentence normanlisation,' as prevously highlighted by the OSC.
Furthermore, there is another post on the same vigilante page stating that this alleged offender, 'Michael' has been remanded, which contradicts the above post.
Just seen this petition on Dark Justice's page - set up by ''Nicolemay Johnston,'' a woman who looks like your average ''chav.''
''Paedophiles who arrange to meet children, help facilitate attacks over the internet, download child pornography or sexually abuse children are often getting very little if at all any jail time; this is not a deterrent to those who seek out our children for their own twisted needs.''
So what exactly is she referring to here, when she says, ''help facilitate attacks over the internet?'' Perceived trolling? People with a different opnion to her rather blinkered one? Or does she actually mean facilitating attacks against real children?
The message here is rather blurry and unclear.
''It's about time paedophiles are scared of the sentences given at court to deter them from their crimes. No crime is victimless; children are abused so others can download the pictures therefore facilitating this crime. Parents and non parents are outraged when a shoplifter can get a heavier sentence than those who destroy the souls of our children and it's about time that stopped.''
''No crime is victimless.''
Utter bullshit. What these vigilantes are doing; setting up men for a fall on adult dating sites with their decoys, is in fact, a perfect example of a ''victimeless crime.''
If she was to engage her tiny brain for a moment, she may realise that educating herself, could turn out to be a good thing.
From the new page linked to gangster wannabe, Ronnie 'I'm gonna do me cockney walk darrn the old Kent road for a nice plate of pie n' fackin' mash' Craig.
Parental Online Protection- P.O.P
42 mins · Attenborough ·
Big day for our team this Friday...kat is working so hard to put together a presentation for the Nottingham custablary. Then we have the media meeting and then Friday night we have another eventful evening on the road....stay tuned peeps!!''
Gotta love how they spell 'constabulary.'
Reminds of the time a thief stole a dessert, and because the old bill didn't see it as a trifling matter, he ended up in custardy.
Do it properly and no one would moan, do it wrong and people will moan. Cause drama and people will moan. It’s gone behind help now and I seriously think it all needs stopping. Hunters are just like me but somehow they think they can search illegally people’s data and knock on anyone’s door at anytime.
ReplyDeleteIt should be done behind doors like any investigation then once convicted exposed.
Hunters start nice then turn a prick like Gordon sumner but I think the puppet master has helped him with that
It's certainly a world away from when Stinson Hunter started with a simple, 'journalistic style approach.'
DeleteHe never knocked on their doors, never restrained them or shoved them to the ground, never snatched their phones or car keys, never put them under a citizen's arrest and nor did he ever operate with large gangs of security to 'back him up.'
And you know why he never did these things? Because it is all, totally unecessary and his conviction rate was as good as anyone else's has ever been.
This is why, during various of his podcasts, he made mention of how he disapproved of their, 'chav bellend methods.'
They have pushed the boundaries since Stinson days and they will continue pushing the boundaries untill someone gets seriously hurt or worse. They are out of control.
DeleteOh well Amelia has to find £1500 for her fine now she’s a criminal and she’s only an nhs call handler. Maybe she should charge the men she sleeps with
ReplyDeleteThe old excuse ''my husband had an affair and I wrongly paid him back for that by sleeping with someone just once'' is kind of wearing out after caught out so many times lol
DeleteNHS Call handler??? ��♀️ U really are clueless!!!
DeleteIt’s in many screenshots what she is but if she is really a nurse, there’s no problem she can afford to pay her fine then can’t she
Delete'Spam Box Release - Redacted'
ReplyDeleteWhat about a law to identify the self-appointed hunters? I have exposed yet more members of the Predator Catchers Northern Ireland (PCNI). They are quick to expose people so it's only right the same should be done to them. First one is James Kelly and he is from xxxxx, Northern Ireland. He posted a comment here https://www.facebook.com/groups/ballyhalbert/permalink/1761226173922139/?comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22O%22%7D This proves his involvement with the vigilante group. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100015986430559 The others I have identified are Amanda Sherrard / Amanda Steele https://www.facebook.com/amanda.steele.961993 Dean McCoubrey https://i.imgur.com/vciv25O.jpg https://www.facebook.com/dean.mccoubrey.1 Julie Burns https://i.imgur.com/rdUrpWs.jpg https://www.facebook.com/julie.burns.9406 Tim Herron https://www.facebook.com/tim.herron.5811 Richard Curtis https://www.facebook.com/richardc005 https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-32kPP3fwCO8/ on 'Sarah's 'Law'' Advert For January
at 14:39
Hopefully now you've added a diffrent subject on here we can move on from all the speculation about the Emma/Helda etc sarga. on 'Sarah's 'Law'' Advert For January
on 30/01/18
Make her feel sick more like lol did you not see his dick pic or didn't you have a magnfieing glass to hand ? on Goodbye, Any Chance Of Legal Authority, For Amelia And Paddy
in response to Amelia jaynes the criminal ha ha ha! It could of been worst. You could of gone to a all female prison where there would be no men. Was she in the car crying? Sounded like someone had the sniffles. This is what happens when you take the law into your own hands. There must of been enough evidence. Done for public order but I bet she will carry on hunting. Just like the others who have criminal pasts go hunting. She won’t make it now with working with the police if it ever happens lol! To make yourself feel better at least you have paddy’s dick pic to look at, by Anonymous.
on 30/01/18
Pages were put up and hunters knocked their doors so there’s no longer any up for people. Hunter v hunter has turned into a witch hunt on someone but we don’t expect anything less from witch helda do we as this is the norm on They Cannot Take, All The Credit, For Being Gormless, Infantile, Harassing, Stalkers
in response to I dont care who was behind the Decunters or Hunter vs hunter pages. Does it really matter. It was a great place to air views without getting backlash or getting blocked. Pages like these are needed. Please make some more pages where people can air there thoughts about the vigalente hunter teams., by Anonymous.
I think I'm one of the few people that never saw Paddy's todger but I'll take the above posters word for it.
DeleteWe'll have to call him 'Maggot Dick Fripps' from now on!
I think you are mixing up Decunters with Hunter VS Hunter posts..
ReplyDeleteBut anyways.. Some will be pleased to know that Hunter VS Hunter has not gone anywhere infact it says they are back and running with new admin
I don’t think anyone cares that your back. Pretty sure you will be bringing all your other pages back soon as we all know Helda loves attention.
DeleteCan all the hunting teams please compile a list of all the real children they have saved from adult dating sites ? Not names just numbers. Id like to know how many.
ReplyDeleteI can answer that for you...None
DeleteThe ones who I know saved any were the few who spent hours going in live stream apps with adult accounts and reporting all bloody kids being sexually spoken to or suggestions of handstand to see their knickers etc by bribing them with online 'gifts' by adult men to the safebook member in there or going on the kids facebook when it shows to find and contact their bloody parents with screenshots of what filthy fuckers are saying or doing on their kids live feeds
DeleteIn my opinion this is the incorrect way of trapping. My own previous experience was to weed out adults visiting children’s apps, chatrooms etc. Adults being devious by pretending they are children, faking a name, age, location to befriend a child. This is how and where grooming starts. This upholds a far better conviction rate than adults pretending to be children going to ‘18+’ sites. I’m reality not many kids would do this.
DeleteJust my opinion as stated.
How can KKS state on there post that Paddy and Amelia's charges are ridiculous what's ridiculous is wrongly accusing an innocent man of being a paedo then demanding he shows them ID and gives them his phone shouting at him and bringing attention to him calling him a paedo amongst other things Paddy made racist remarks to the man. Did they really expect this man to just say ok you got me mistaken for someone else and just walk away and that be the end of it. If they approached me in the street and wrongly accused me of being a paedo and asked me for my ID and phone there would be murders id do more than get them arressted. Why do these vigilantes never take responsibility for there own actions when they mess things up its always someone elses fault.
ReplyDeleteAnd 2 or 3 team members be videoing him in a public place while wearing NONCE HUNTER hoodies to draw attention to exactly what is going down
DeleteYeah cheers lads.I would be fucking mortified and outraged too
This guess the signpost thing on this blog is really annoying lol
ReplyDeleteMore annoying than Amelia’s fat face :0) signed and sealed mark astley <3
ReplyDeleteMore chav estate fucktardery.
Tyson hunter about go live guys n girls, big leaving speech... ffs daz just fuckoff already close your account Down best thing you could do for yourself and community :)
ReplyDeleteNasty piece of work by all accounts. His 2012 Worcestershire court appearance confirms that.
ReplyDelete#NotJustADisgracedCopper #FatherInLaw
Must be heart breaking Amelia having a clean record but then not so clean after going round like a copy of the police but doing it in a crap way. There is better ways to be a criminal then turning to hunting. I hope you find another job too but not in the nhs as this now sums up who you really are. You are welcome to public order of what you’ve done to people ha ha ha!
ReplyDeleteThat fat slag couldn’t lay str8 in bed, doubt her record was ever clean tut tut it all catching up with you now Amelia :)
ReplyDeleteYou are such a sad twisted witch Sarah, who after reading all this blog, you seem to have a real obsession with anyone that Mark Astley has connections with, is this because he turned you down, so this is your revenge???? Yawn!
DeleteNot everyone is Sarah that comments on this blog..sounds like you got obsession with this Sarah girl. YAWN!
DeleteIm sick of waiting on the hoody and umbrella i brought from Paddy at Kks it will be summer by the time i revive it.
ReplyDeleteI would nip to the market and buy one if I was you
DeleteSo Emma was going to post up Tysons kids (why any person would do that though for some name calling from him fuck knows you horrible piece of shit you badly need help posting up family and causing them harm or distress and you should fuck off away from any decent people and stay gone)
ReplyDeleteBut I digress; Emma plots to post his family but he visits Sarah by mistake as weasel Emma blames other people when she gets caught.
Anyone befriending this person now after truths out about how low shes gone and the levels she posted both in public and on this blog and the chaos she's caused others by lying and watched need help too if you aid this person to come back in any form
Oh will it lose her her job? I have no idea having no criminal charges etc on my DBS.
ReplyDeleteTalking of DBS while others attempt facebook shunning of others with lies and made up crimes and bullying those people will be left standing with a clean DBS where others may fail and pro active in talks already with police ;)
Who’s Katie Francis? Gordon sumner visited her with Amelia and others
ReplyDeleteWas Tanya hunter involved with the Katie Francis and Sarah Williamson drama?
ReplyDeleteNo Tanya wasn’t involved
ReplyDeleteTanya is involved with everything so I suspect so. Darren hunter as well. He was the hunter who gave Becky wood the access on the go ahead of Tanya after learning Claire Louise was plotting against her
ReplyDeleteLol that’s funny as thought Claire Louise n Tanya was best friends? Weird the shit ppl r coming on this blog n chatting. Kinder believe you over Darren hunter bit as he’s bad snake n jealous because jay Gardner getting all the gash :) even mark astley jel of jay!
ReplyDeleteExcept 'Claire Louse' is an account used by Gunn and Astley as it is not a real person.
DeleteMost r troll accounts...
DeleteWhere is Sean gower the hunters spokesman in all this?
ReplyDeleteDoing his cockney walk darrrn the old kent road for a nice plate of pie n' fackin' mash probably.