Copycats and More Death - Letzgo Hunting
Copycats and Death Threats - Daemon Hunter
"The fact of the matter is this - that needs to be done by law enforcement."
“We would advise to leave any type of investigation like this for the police to deal with."
Copycats and Death Threats - Daemon Hunter
"The fact of the matter is this - that needs to be done by law enforcement."
“We would advise to leave any type of investigation like this for the police to deal with."
Stinson Hunter - Channel 4 Documentary
Stinson Hunter - The Paedophile [sic] Hunter Channel 4 Advert
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter - Channel 4 October 1st 10pm (Full Trailer)
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter
Stinson Hunter
Feb 11, 2014 14:13
Online crime fighter Stinson Hunter blasted by cops during public meeting
"At a public meeting held last night Warwickshire Police’s assistant chief constable Lewis Benjamin was asked for his perspective on Hunter’s actions.
Mr Benjamin responded: “He does it quite blindly. He doesn’t know if we’re engaging a police operation against his target.
“He may well drive them underground and ruin what we are doing.
“Secondly he could be putting the paedophile at risk. Some people might say so what? [... they've got a right to life, as well, and it could be endangering his safety... ] but also he could be endangering their family as well.
“People could get it wrong like that case in Cardiff where they attacked the paediatrician.
“It’s not a good thing to do.
“We have written to Mr Hunter and protested about his methodology and what he does. We are waiting to see what his response to that is.”"
Friday 25 October 2013 19.47 BST
Vigilante paedophile [sic] hunters ruining lives with internet stings
"Police say the actions of the vigilantes can be damaging to abuse victims as well as innocent people wrongly suspected."
Published: 22:02, 8 March 2014 | Updated: 22:11, 8 March 2014
Police under fire for links with 'paedophile hunter' after teenage honeytrap drives man to kill himself
">MP, 46, was arrested after confrontation by Keiren Parsons,
>The self-styled web vigilante, aka 'Stinson Hunter', posed as 14-year-old girl,
>Police insist they have told him to stop and threatened him with legal action,
>He claims Warwickshire Constabulary have encouraged and coached him."
Posted on September 16, 2014
The Paedophile Hunter Airing on Channel 4
"Unsurprisingly in our totalitarian society I expect that the documentary will be largely supportive of Stinson Hunter. The documentary will inevitably try to pretend that it is ‘impartial’ and claim to be to some extent critical of Hunter’s extra judicial actions, however, it’s underlying direction will be that the ‘public’ (whoever they are) are ‘sick of paedophiles’. Hidden behind a veil of political correctness the documentary’s message will be clear: A final solution is needed for the ‘paedophile problem’."
"... at no point do I act as an agent provocateur ..."
Kieren Parsons, aka Stinson Hunter, 11/2/14 ...
"It's like fishing... you put a rod in there and wait."
Full Paper:

ClutchOn&Win @RedliningMyGame
@KimblesHere @MichaelTheDug @stinsonxhunter Click this, my point yesterday to another person, if you want to read.
— ClutchOn&Win (@RedliningMyGame) October 6, 2014
(Embedded Tweet - click date)October 2012
PSU Child Sexual Abuse Conference: Overview and Epidemiology
October 6, 2014
Sexting is the new normal for high schoolers, study finds
"Researchers at the University of Texas looked at the sexting habits of an ethnically diverse group of more than 1,000 high school students. The study is the first to analyze the relationship between teenage sexting and future sexual activity.
About one in four teens is sexting, and sexting is firmly linked with increased sexual activity. Researchers found adolescents who had sexted were more than seven times more likely to have engaged in sexual intercourse than their non-sexting peers.
But they were not more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors - classified in the study as unprotected sex, a high number of sexual partners in the past year and alcohol or drug use before sex.
"That we did not find a link between sexting and risky sexual behavior over time may suggest that sexting is a new 'normal' part of adolescent sexual development and not strictly limited to at-risk adolescents," write authors Jeff R. Temple and Hye Jeong Choi."
Oct 14 2014, 8:05 PM ET
Why Kids Sext
"An inquiry into one recent scandal reveals how kids think about sexting—and what parents and police should do about it."
Stinson The Paedophile [sic] Hunter
"It's like fishing... you put a rod in there and wait." – Stinson Hunter
Do you condone Stinson Hunter's actions? Vote by tweeting #TMYes if you do, #TMNo if you don't:
— This Morning (@itvthismorning) October 1, 2014
@mwilliamsthomas @stinsonxhunter @itvthismorning One vigilante interviews another. Gawd help us
— eric hardcastle (@EricHardcastle) October 1, 2014
Seen it described as 'shooting fish in a barrel'. Watching @stinsonxhunter regardless. Cos these particular fish are dirty nonces.
— GD (@GeeDee_72) October 1, 2014
@GeeDee_72 @stinsonxhunter ... and you can only shoot the innocent fish, if you put them in the barrel and carry the gun.
— The OSC (@OSCP_8) October 1, 2014
Quote of the day - If I leave £1000 on a table it does not give anyone the right to touch it. What @stinsonxhunter does is good. ITS A CHILD
— Children have rights (@UK_Database_CSA) October 1, 2014
@UK_Database_CSA @stinsonxhunter but many (most?) people WOULD take it - that is the point - simple human nature.
— The OSC (@OSCP_8) October 1, 2014
@GeeDee_72 @stinsonxhunter a better model ... is offering water, to a man dying of thirst.
— The OSC (@OSCP_8) October 1, 2014
Disgusting yob culture tonight @Channel4 Burning lonely men in the street is the result of the likes of @stinsonxhunter Dreadful...
— Adam (@ProperEllipsis) October 1, 2014
@stinsonxhunter you must be so proud.
— Old Holborn (@Holbornlolz) October 1, 2014
@Holbornlolz @stinsonxhunter and do not forget the other dead man, from those emulating K.
— The OSC (@OSCP_8) October 1, 2014
Vigilante justice is what happens in Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia. @stinsonxhunter supports it.
— Old Holborn (@Holbornlolz) October 1, 2014
Britain's Vilest Troll vs Britain's Paedo Hunter. Name your editor, let's do this.
— Old Holborn (@Holbornlolz) October 1, 2014
UGH. This nonce pretends to be a 13 year old schoolgirl on social media.
— Old Holborn (@Holbornlolz) October 1, 2014
@stinsonxhunter Join the Police, swear an oath. Or fuck off.
— Old Holborn (@Holbornlolz) October 1, 2014
#PaedophileHunter And there's the reason for his Pathology. The Abused becomes the Hunter. Of course, some become Predators themselves.
— Dr. F Vandersluete. (@LIQUORICE_PIPES) October 1, 2014
Oh, it seems The Padeohunter has an agenda. He's a nutcase.
— Old Holborn (@Holbornlolz) October 1, 2014
This #PaedophileHunter bloke is even more mental than the guys he's trying to snare.
— Will McHoebag (@WillMcHoebag) October 1, 2014
Remember, everyone has to get up tomorrow and kill anyone who looks like a Paedo. Or a bit like one.
— Old Holborn (@Holbornlolz) October 1, 2014
If you think Stinson is the answer, you don't understand the question.
— Old Holborn (@Holbornlolz) October 1, 2014
(Embedded Tweets - click date)*****
The Likes Of Stinson Hunter's Prey And Sex With 'Kids' - Get A Clue !!!"
Stinson Hunter does not, actually, target Paedophiles.
However, since the issue of sexuality and mental health have been introduced, readers may wish to access these threads ...
Oct 01, 2014 14:51
Stinson Hunter documentary director Dan Reed speaks to the Telegraph in run up to Channel Four screening tonight
"Dan Reed: 'Making a documentary like this is really pushing the envelope in terms of what we can do on TV.'"
Dan Reed
@sarahexclam @Securityconcern @Treehouse345 One always know when a journo etc is struggling, they turn to using the Paedocard.
— The OSC (@OSCP_8) October 1, 2014
@danreed1000 @Channel4 When do you intend to apologise, to the public etc, for helping SH/KP scam them?
— The OSC (@OSC__P) October 12, 2014
(Embedded Tweet - click date)*****
Read them and weep (what remains) ...
The Kicker ...
I love you @mrsxhunter x
And I love you too @GrimeHunter (We did it mate) x
— Stinson Hunter (@stinsonxhunter) October 1, 2014
'Stinson Hunter' Confirms what it has been about, all along -
— The OSC (@OSCP_8) October 1, 2014
@OSCP_8 can there, now, be any doubt, what his motivations are? - 10,000 pieces of silver -
— The OSC (@OSCP_8) October 1, 2014
(Embedded Tweets - click date)
@CarlWilko1 I lose money doing this mate. I never get paid for anything.
— Stinson Hunter (@stinsonxhunter) October 9, 2014
We never ask for donations, all donations are used towards the website. People don't realise it costs us 100's - 1,000's to keep it up.
— Grime (@GrimeHunter) October 16, 2014
(Embedded Tweets - click date)23/10/14; 20:38
Posted: October 02, 2014
Support soars for Nuneaton’s paedophile [sic] hunter
Oct 02, 2014 08:30
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter raises over £13,500 for NEW project: 'Now it's time for brutal, no-holds-barred honesty'
"Sex attacker [what?] chasing Stinson Hunter is also ready to take on the Crown Prosecution Service and the Police on 'how they are helping or failing you'"
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter
"This observational documentary follows controversial online vigilante Stinson Hunter and his associates, who pose as underage children on social networking sites in order to identify and draw out men they assert have paedophilic predilections [sic]."
The Aftermath (thus far) ...
Oct 01, 2014 23:23
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter: Controversial documentary provokes passionate reaction on Twitter
"Social media users expressed an array of emotions from outrage to support for Stinson Hunter's controversial methods seen in Channel 4 documentary The Paedophile [sic] Hunter."
Oct 01, 2014 22:00
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter: 90% of Mirror readers AGREE with vigilante Stinson Hunter's controversial tactics
Oct 02, 2014 09:00
Paedophile [sic] Hunter: 55% of you agree with his work
"Response to documentary following controversial web vigilante in his quest to expose paedophiles [sic]."
11:07PM BST 01 Oct 2014
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter, Channel 4, review: 'disturbing'
"Channel 4's The Paedophile [sic] Hunter, in which an undercover vigilante attempted to trap sexual predators, was compelling, says Gerard O'Donovan"
1st October 2014
The rise of Vigilantism
"A look at the reaction tweets to the Pedophile [sic] Hunter programme on Channel 4, aired on 1st October 2014."
01 October 2014
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter, Channel 4
"Documentary about a vigilante in action is riveting and deeply discomfiting."
Oct 01, 2014 23:10
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter is a worrying watch
The documentary followed a controversial web vigilante in his quest to expose paedophiles [sic]
Posted: October 01, 2014
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter - John Woodhouse, TV preview
Thursday 2 October 2014
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter review – dark and disturbing
"Stinson Hunter’s brand of vigilante justice makes for gripping viewing – but it’s also menacing, haunting and uncomfortable."
Thursday 02 October 2014
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter: Twitter reacts to vigilante Stinson Hunter in C4 documentary
Thursday 2 October 2014 18.47 BST
The Paedophile Hunter [sic] is putting justice at risk
"Child sexual exploitation must be confronted but Stinson Hunter’s brand of online ritual humiliation may jeopardise future court cases."
Posted: 30/09/2014 13:21 BST Updated: 30/09/2014 13:59 BST
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter Documentary 'Could Encourage Copycat Vigilantism'
"A controversial new documentary following the actions of a so called “paedophile hunter" who publicly shames men he accuses of grooming children has sparked fears that it could encourage copycat vigilantism."
"Stinson Hunter, an unemployed former drug addict who went to jail for arson, is shown in a new Channel 4 documentary posing online as an under-age child before being approached by men sending explicit messages, videos and pictures."
Thursday 02 October 2014
Stinson Hunter: the psychology of vigilantism and the Paedophile [sic] Hunter
"There is – and has always been – a paradox at the heart of vigilantism. Participants regard themselves as standing up for a mainstream moral code."
Thursday 02 October 2014
Stinson Hunter: Ex-partner of man who killed himself after Paedophile [sic] Hunter sting warns social media use could spark violent witch hunts.
"Exclusive: MP killed himself after he was confronted by Hunter."
Posted: October 02, 2014
Parliament is next for Stinson Hunter
"But I am not going anywhere, I am not going to vanish, I am still going to be causing trouble but I need to plan what we are going to do next, and how we are going to do it."
October 3, 2014 - 9:05AM
'Paedophile Hunter' Stinson Hunter a vigilante of the cyber era
"Hunter isn't the first to engage in anti-paedophile internet vigilantism.
"The US-based organisation Perverted-Justice uses volunteers to carry out similar sting operations, and the Australian organisation MAKO lists Australian sex offenders and their last-known locations."
A NSW Police spokesman said detectives had not seen any vigilantes comparable to Hunter and strongly discouraged people from conducting similar operations."
Oct 03, 2014 15:03
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter: Ex-partner of man who killed himself following 'Stinson sting' launches scathing attack
"MP killed himself after he was confronted by Stinson Hunter and now his ex-partner Rachel agrees with police, saying Hunter's methods are "very, very dangerous"
@OSCP_8 I don't condone such an age gap, but it is not 'child molesting'. The chap looked more presentable and less dangerous than Stinson!
— Poly Tacs (@PolyTacs) October 3, 2014
@PolyTacs We have said, many times, although we cannot condone, lying to men and getting them into a masturbatory frenzy ...
— The OSC (@OSCP_8) October 3, 2014
@PolyTacs ... and then carrying out a 'correct' citizens' arrest ... if that is Stinsons' thang, then so be it.
— The OSC (@OSCP_8) October 3, 2014
@PolyTacs (1) You will not catch 'dangerous predators', in that way (2) No N&S, info direct to police - job done - but no the cash in that.
— The OSC (@OSCP_8) October 3, 2014
@richkirky @stinsonxhunter He whips up hate in our communities.
— Peter (@toffee192) October 8, 2014
@ukus86 of course, and very few disagree with you - that is not our issue, with SH
— The OSC (@TheOSCP) October 8, 2014
@TheOSCP what is the issue then?
— Ashley Fraser (@ukus86) October 8, 2014
@ukus86 he is a fraud, dangerous and his entrapments are a false construct, depending on poorly-drafted laws.
— The OSC (@TheOSCP) October 8, 2014
(Embedded Tweets - click date)*****
Posted: October 06, 2014
TV vigilante paedo [sic] hunter Stinson Hunter is no journalist
" a 'journalist' Hunter should be working with facts, and in many instances, the facts are that, despite his work, the men he confronts are not charged with any crime by police.
As a journalist, he should be referring to the people he encounters as 'a man' and not by name.
He certainly should not be posting video content showing their face to the entire world, often putting them at risk of being attacked by people who know them in their local area.
When The Sun published images of Christopher Jefferies, suggesting that he had murdered Joanna Yeates, they ended up paying £50,000 in damages for ruining his public image.
The Mirror also had to pay out for publishing the same images.
Sooner or later what Hunter is doing will bite him on the backside, and once one person has taken him to court, many others will be sure to follow.
I'm not saying I don't agree with what Hunter aims to achieve – I give him my full backing if it means making our streets a safer place.
But there are already so many things that give journalists a bad name, so the thought of adding a vigilante to the list doesn't appeal to me.
He either needs to conform to the same standards that all journalists do, or he needs to stop calling himself one."
Published 15 Oct 2014.
Newspapers divided over self-styled vigilante ‘journalist’
“There are already so many things that give journalists a bad name, so the thought of adding a vigilante to the list doesn’t appeal to me,” he went on.
“He either needs to conform to the same standards that all journalists do, or he needs to stop calling himself one.”
The Tamworth Herald, Hunter’s local paper in his formative years when he was imprisoned after a £250,000 arson attack on an empty school, agreed that “everyone is united in their revulsion to paedophiles”.
But in a leader column last month the paper admitted that “Hunter’s methods can be divisive.”
The weekly added: “He has thousands of fans on the Internet, but many question what he does, not least the police who have shown real concerns over his actions. Similar stings by others have failed to end in convictions and left innocent people’s lives in tatters.
“That is the devastating power of the lens.”
The vigilante’s actions have had the most tragic consequences when it emerged that last June a 46-year-old man killed himself after he was confronted by Hunter over claims he had groomed a 12-year-old girl."
Posted on October 5, 2014
The Paedophile [sic] Hunter – Stinson Hunter and Dan Reed: Bias, Lies, and Intimidation
"The only part of the documentary with some resemblance of sanity was its interview with Rachel, the ex partner of Michael Parkes who committed suicide as a direct result of Stinson’s entrapment. She mentioned how her child will now grow up without a father. A very valid point."
@holocaust_21 @PolyTacs @TheOSCP @sarahexclam as for the encounters that do escape through the net,we have no stats on the outcome
— patrick simmons (@metalhead104) October 8, 2014
@metalhead104 @holocaust_21 @PolyTacs @sarahexclam the encouragement to commit a crime -
— The OSC (@TheOSCP) October 8, 2014
(Embedded Tweets - click date) *****
Posted: October 09, 2014
PCC Matthew Ellis hits back at public claims that police 'don't do anything' to catch sex predators
— Rachel (@sarahexclam) October 9, 2014
@sarahexclam #StinsonHunter The thing is, Stinson's intentions are far from admirable -
— The OSC (@TheOSCP) October 9, 2014
(Embedded Tweets - click date)*****
Posted: October 10, 2014
Paedophile [sic] 'stings' put targets' children and families at risk, say police
"Some have questioned the effectiveness of the police to investigate these types of cases, but I would like to reassure the public that we have a team of specialist officers doing excellent work in this difficult area.
"Since January 2012, 164 people have been prosecuted for committing 404 sexual offences against those under 18. In the last 12 months we have launched 33 separate investigations into online exploitation, including working with the National Crime Agency on the high-profile national investigation Operation Notarise.
"We do not condone the actions of Stinson Hunter: the tactic of putting video footage of those he accuses of being paedophiles online goes completely against the vital principle of people being innocent until proven guilty in the UK. It also puts those individuals and their families, including their children, at serious risk of vigilante attacks.
His actions have many other serious risks: those he targets could destroy evidence before police had a chance to take action and he could very easily jeopardise ongoing police investigations into individual offenders or paedophile [sic] networks he is unaware of.
He could put children at risk of harm, for example by an abuser who feels targeted or threatened, or the police or other agencies not being able to put measures in place to protect abused children as they would do in their own investigations.
"We believe Stinson Hunter's behaviour is irresponsible. We have met with him on many occasions to discuss his 'stings' and where possible have tried to persuade him to stop, but with no success, so in January we served him with a 'cease and desist' letter. Despite a second letter in April, he has ignored us and continues his activity."
Further details on the risks posed by Stinson Hunter:
He could actually cause harm to vulnerable young people by not allowing the opportunity for police and other agencies such as Children's Services to properly assess the risk posed to any children associated with the abuser and put in place safeguarding measures. The protection of children from harm is our priority.
He could be unknowingly compromising police investigations. The individuals he is targeting may already be under investigation, and his activities could damage those ongoing inquiries. He could further compromise investigations into paedophile [sic] networks where law enforcement agencies are operating online. Stinson's activities in this way would actually damage criminal investigations rather than assist them.
He risks the destruction of vital evidence. His actions in trapping individuals, filming them and posting those films online could result in them destroying any evidence before police have an opportunity to seize it and pursue a successful prosecution.
He could cause harm to vulnerable young people by sparking an abuser to harm a child if they feel they are being targeted or threatened.
He is posing a serious risk to the families, including partners and children, of those he is 'stinging' and exposing on the internet. When the police investigate and arrest individuals, they do so as part of a wider operation within which careful consideration is given to any welfare needs of others who could be affected. His activities provide no opportunity for the police to put in place any measures to protect others who may be adversely affected.
For example, Stinson's method of filming individuals and posting them online exposes them to a risk of serious physical assault. We have already seen evidence to support this assertion, through comments posted online from people who have viewed the 'stings'.
Also, if the individual has children, they could be bullied or attacked, or the family home could be subject to attack, placing the individual's family and children at risk of serious physical harm."
The Egos surface ...
The Paedophile Hunter is putting justice at risk | Ron Ball via @guardian
— The Phoenix Post (@ThePhoenixPost) October 11, 2014
read a convo between two anti child abuse campaigners crying and
moaning that I've been funded and that my followers have gone up.
— Stinson Hunter (@stinsonxhunter) October 12, 2014
that I have to justify myself but it's a bit childish and pathetic when
one of them was kissing my arse two weeks ago. Beggars belief.
— Stinson Hunter (@stinsonxhunter) October 12, 2014
...I wish him everything he deserves ...I'm talking about the public helping him put us victims of paedophiles back 10 years
— Shy Keenan (@ShyKeenan) October 12, 2014
Ahhh like you did with me? @ShyKeenan don't care that you don't agree - come to me direct next time not doing it behind my back. Goodbye.
— Stinson Hunter (@stinsonxhunter) October 12, 2014
.@stinsonxhunter ...and we already know that you don't care about our kind ...that much is already clear
— Shy Keenan (@ShyKeenan) October 12, 2014
Survivors v Vigilantes - kicking off again ... -
— The OSC (@OSC__P) October 12, 2014
@OSC__P Why? It's as if their extreme jealousy is getting the better of them...
— holocaust21 (@holocaust_21) October 12, 2014
@holocaust_21 These people despise competition, against their ego-trips. There is more than enough hate, to go around, for them to use :(
— The OSC (@OSC__P) October 12, 2014
@OSC__P Makes sense... Alas this world is too full of hate.
— holocaust21 (@holocaust_21) October 12, 2014
@ShyKeenan @stinsonxhunter Go & promote yr self Shy & don't do it off the back of others. You will never change. The jealously is clear to c
— Children have rights (@UK_Database_CSA) October 13, 2014
@drogonherc blocked her now. Sick of her abuse and lack of any substance to what she is saying. I'm all for debate but man she is just off!
— Stinson Hunter (@stinsonxhunter) October 13, 2014
@stinsonxhunter It isn't for you to consider if you might be employing methods that could cause harm?
— MAMAAUK (@MAMAAUK) October 13, 2014
@MAMAAUK I've considered it and there's no evidence being presented that shows that so I'm carrying on as I was. Have a good day :)
— Stinson Hunter (@stinsonxhunter) October 13, 2014
.@stinsonxhunter oh dear Mr Hunter just crossed the line
— Shy Keenan (@ShyKeenan) October 13, 2014
@stinsonxhunter never heard of you @MAMAAUK now move along. Nothing to see here
— Children have rights (@UK_Database_CSA) October 13, 2014
@GillHeyes @MAMAAUK @stinsonxhunter our database has named 31,000 convicted child abusers with 20 million hits. That's why few use Sarah law
— Children have rights (@UK_Database_CSA) October 13, 2014
My tweet earlier related to two other people who work in safeguarding being attacked by so called child protection professionals
— Mark Williams-Thomas (@mwilliamsthomas) October 13, 2014
.@MCoD84 @stinsonxhunter "Ugly fat slag go and stick your head in the oven !!" Hi dad thought you were shopping? :0)
— Shy Keenan (@ShyKeenan) October 13, 2014
Reply to @ShyKeenan @MCoD84 @stinsonxhunter Tell me Shy, why has your book now been withdrawn from distribution after a court hearing?
— LASH A LOT (@LIKESTOLASH) October 13, 2014
@LIKESTOLASH @MCoD84 Id like more information on this please x
— Stinson Hunter (@stinsonxhunter) October 13, 2014
#Notinmychildsname - Vigilante paedophile hunters ruining lives with internet stings via @guardian
— Dr Sara Payne MBE (@DrSaraPayneMBE) October 14, 2014
@MAMAAUK no it was confirmed as was the intentions behind your actions and I have been advised to block you im afraid. All the best.
— Stinson Hunter (@stinsonxhunter) October 14, 2014
@stinsonxhunter I think that is a great shame, our engagement has always been 100% positive across Twitter. It was not confirmed.
— MAMAAUK (@MAMAAUK) October 14, 2014
Vigilantism is never a #SAFE practice, not in any form. Not for anybody most especially not for #victims of crime.
— MAMAAUK (@MAMAAUK) October 14, 2014
@EvertonMoaner @EveThomasSAFE @stinsonxhunter wish we agreed on that. Real risk lies in doing the wrong thing albeit for the right reasons
— MAMAAUK (@MAMAAUK) October 14, 2014
...if you're hurting us ...I am in your way
— Shy Keenan (@ShyKeenan) October 13, 2014
@EvertonMoaner @stinsonxhunter I would love a cuppa & a chat with Stinson
— Eve Thomas - #SAFE (@EveThomasSAFE) October 14, 2014
@EveThomasSAFE @EvertonMoaner lets work something out when I'm less busy? A chat and a brew would be spot on.
— Stinson Hunter (@stinsonxhunter) October 14, 2014
(Embedded Tweets - click date)Posted: October 09, 2014
'Doing this has made me feel worthwhile' - Stinson Hunter exclusive
"I'VE never had a purpose, I've never felt like I belong or that anything mattered to me.
I was always strolling through life thinking I'll upset as many people as I like, robbing, stealing, taking drugs, beating people up and not giving a s***," said pervert catcher Stinson Hunter.
"Now I have found something that I genuinely care about.
This has changed me as a person for the better." This is how former Tamworth schoolboy-turned online vigilante.
Stinson Hunter described the immeasurable impact that exposing paedophiles [sic] has had on his life."
Expose of Stinson Hunter
The Paedophile Hunter; saving or ruining lives?
"Peter has claimed that this has caused him anguish and to his family. It caused his wife’s attempted suicide, his children not communicating with him, the loss of his job and ultimately the loss of his life. Some men who are what you could call ‘victims’ themselves have claimed their own lives due to the torment and desperate lives they lead after the footage surfaced on the internet.
Peter claimed to believe the girl was of age, but what of the other men who know the age of the minors? Should it be a private matter where only police and official investigators have access to the information? Are these men victims to online slander/defamation? Do they deserve the public humiliation and abuse?"
Oct 23, 2014 11:30
Stinson Hunter makes vow to supporters after Kickstarter appeal raises £32k
"Stinson Hunter has vowed to deliver on his promises after raising a staggering £32,000 to fund his next project.
Ex-convict Hunter has also been asked to go into two schools to talk about internet safety.
As part of the fundraising on the website Kickstarter donors receive different rewards depending on how much they pledge.
“The main thing I’m dealing with primarily is making sure everyone gets what they are owed,” he said.
“Then come the new year we will start looking at doing the other things we have been talking about.
“I have to honour the Kickstarter - that’s hugely important.
“Two schools have approached me too so I’m looking forward to that. Others, like nightclubs, have got in touch, but I’m not interested in anything like that.”"
If you are affected, by any of the issues, raised, here ...
MAPs - you are not alone - very much, not alone ... - - - - - - -
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More to follow.
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