Friday, 10 November 2017

The Nights, The Lying, Empty, Simpleton, Cowards Visited (Part 2)


The Nights, The Lying, Empty, Simpleton, Cowards Visited (Part 1)


Within the last hour, of this post, Mr Phillip Hoban, of Leeds, published this Facebook video:

Specimen (B) ca. 19:30
In the, second, Live, video, here:

Specimen (C) ca. 20:45

... alongwith, the more trivial, rude and (incorrect), offensive, language and claims, Mr Hoban stated this ...

Dr Oldfield cannot 'stay away from you' (you are the aggressive, violent, antisocial, threatening, incorrect, trespasser), as he is doing nothing, but archiving and reporting, your potentially-illegal activities, for his safety and for the sake, of a safe and civilised society.

You are the man, who would, you say, physically-attack, cut the throats and blow-up fellow human beings, not Dr Oldfield.

You are the man, who turned up, to private property, in the darkness of night, uninvited and unannounced, making threats (albeit, that Dr Oldfield, had long-departed), causing fear, anxiety and distress, to the occupants.

You do not know where Dr Oldfield lives, you did not (appear) to know, in the initial attack, that he had left the property, hours before. He left, on the early morning, of 26/8/17 and has not returned; he never will.

This has been reported, to the police, as a matter of emergency, so as to safeguard those, at the original address, and those around them.


This is a series, of evidenced, episodes, of a potentially-illegal Course of Conduct, which Mr Hoban, received police advice (equivalent to a Harassment Warning), not to pursue; he has chosen to pursue it, within the social media arena.

If Mr Hoban, is experiencing anxiety or distress, harassment, or any other mental aberration, he is entitled to seek medical help and/or make a formal complaint, to the relevant authorities.

Why Mr Hoban, would like an adult man, to perform fellatio on him, one he accuses (incorrectly), of being a Paedophile, only he would be able to tell the world; perhaps another video, from Mr Hoban, would let viewers decide, if it was a worthy possibility?

Already reported, this, continued, action, will be pursued, next week, with West Yorkshire Police (it was, and the affected parties, were supported, by WYP).

Dr Oldfield, is a, very, reasonable man. A public apology, from Mr Hoban, will be accepted, in the spirit, in which it is offered.


13/11/17; ca. 14:28

Specimen (E)

"I want (?) about to catch your fucking arse, when you are about, pal."

 ... and if you do, Mr Hoban, what are your intentions?

Is Chris correct, in his interpretation, of your threat?

Now we know, that you are accessing the blog, perhaps you may make yourself, very, clear, of your intentions, towards Dr Oldfield?

We look forward, to another video, and then we will present, a series of questions, to you.

This will guide, what then, happens.



Continued stalking, harassment and dangerous agitation, by Predator Exposure, when they are well aware, of the situation:


Specimen (F)

The police, once again, have been informed, of the parties, involved.

The affected parties, were supported, by WYP.


We will allow, one week, for a further video response, from Mr Hoban, or email, to



There have been no, further, videos, or emails, from Mr Hoban, on this issue.

This means, Mr Hoban's threats and intentions, are still vague, although outstanding.

We will now clarify, what led up to the police visit, to Mr Hoban's home.

(1) Once Dr Oldfield has left, following the initial attack, and was safe and stabilised, 
a complaint was made, to WYP.

(2) The intelligence was recorded, and that was to be the end of it, 
in-so-far, as Dr Oldfield was concerned, on the issue.

(3) Mr Hoban's, vigilante, gang, then carried out, the 'Heckmondwike Entrapment'.


We shall clarify, Mr Hoban's, confusions, lies, misinterpretations etc, in the near future.

For now: 


As for the vexatious attack, on Dr Oldfield, by Ms Sara Payne and Ms Shy Keenan, that is documented, here:

When Survivors Attack (Part 5): It Took You Enough Time To Get It Up


We have discussed, the incorrect usage, of such terms, such as, bastard, dirty, etc, and the reasons for using them, here:

Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends - Why They Are Dangerous, Pointless, Time-Wasting, Resource-Wasting, Ignorant, Hater, Fools


The OSC Statement

Dr Oldfield, is an understanding, tolerant, caring, kind and clever man. His offences are long-spent. He (and those around him) is entitled, to all that the law provides, without molestation, harassment, or ignorant and uneducated attacks, by the socially-inadequate.

Mr Hoban, is a simple man; an uneducated, angry, distressed, tired, confused, offensive, frustrated, obsessed, apparently-unhealthy, bullying, thug. A middle-aged man, living in a past, that never was, who dislikes his job and has, yet another, young family and apparently-supportive wife. We begin to wonder, if his last (probably final) fight, reported in May 2014, led, finally, to substantial brain damage, further reducing his judgement and social skills.

Mr Hoban, has always been an overreaching failure; often a puppet, controlled by those, more wily and intelligent around him. A medium-sized fish, in a very tiny pond. Much, is not of his doing, much is.

Aiming high and failure, are not bad things, unless, one does not learn from them.

Even now, the present, fantastical, obsession with 'Hunting', is controlled, by another obsessive, brighter, female, alongwith, an ever-changing, ever-diminishing, gaggle, of useful idiots, in tow.

This will soon come to an end; what will Mr Hoban, then have, to feed his fragile, fantastical, ego-driven, obsession and fame-seeking existence?

The OSC is well-financed, numerous, committed and persistent, in its motivation, to maintain a civilised, caring, lawful and humanitarian society; locally, and elsewhere, in a legal manner. It will not stop, in supporting Dr Oldfield, or anyone else, it elects to protect and thrive. We also care for Mr Hoban and his family; after all, Mr Hoban is also an ex-offender. On that topic, Mr Hoban, may like to consider, speaking to his wife, in a more sensitive, considerate and respectful manner. He may, also, like to consider, anger management support.

Mr Hoban, accept your place in life. Your fantasies are unattainable. Work hard, in something you can actually do, for an extended period. You are no longer a young man. Remain law-abiding. Care for your wife and young children, and provide a kind, healthy and fruitful, Good Life, for you and them; make this one work.

Leave better (at this time) and wiser people, to live their lives, in peace and good health.

Or, you will feel the full force, of a civilised society and the law, for as long as it takes.


23/11/17; Updated 24/11/17


More to follow.

Information to, as usual, please.  



  1. Finally, one of the hunting teams has woken up to reality.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    Yes TY. No live stings, names, etc.

    Then, without the kick of live stings, to feed their hate, egos, revenge and bloodlust, they wane and wither and fall.

    Always, only a matter, of time.

    That, is the sound, of inevitability.


    The OSC

  3. The latest Silent Justice sting. Another loud mouth chav woman causing a disturbance by constantly banging a door in an apartment complex and shouting.

    If I was a neighbour, I would not be amused that these people are doing this so late at night, waking everyone up in the process.

  4. The loud woman from SJ also states in the 2nd video that 'if it wasn't for us, these men would be talking to real children, and a real child would be turning up).

    As I've said before, this is a complete lie as this guy would have been catfished in an adult site of some kind, and therefore, is far more likely to be someone who become 'opportunistic,' and may not have ever committed this type of crime otherwise.

    It is quite frustrating to see these vigilante peddle the myth of a 'pandemic of paedophiles,' when the reality is far different.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Yes, 'Stacey Hunter'.

      3 feet 4 inches of gormless, gobshite, angry, fantasist.

      We laugh, often, when she threatens to 'take down' grown men.

      Almost makes us say, "come back, Shane and Julie", almost.


      The OSC.
