'Mr NI Suicide', deflects, from 'The Carnage', he has help create, around this country.
'Stings' sting, do they not, James? - Consequences
James, rather confused, about who has the legal authority and credibility, again ...
... plays into the hands, of The Establishment; one, that cannot, lose ... Thank you, James.
Chelsea Lewis
... plays into the hands, of The Establishment; one, that cannot, lose ... Thank you, James.
Chelsea Lewis
Go on James and Co, dig that hole, deeper and deeper ... Thank you.
If one, ever, needed, to appreciate, the antisocial, toxic, thug, brain-dead, gormless,
fantasy, mentality of 'Hunters' and followers, then, watch these videos - They are exemplary.
7/2/18; 20:36:
7/2/18; 21:14
Antisocial, Thug, Shouty, Fantasist, George, Gets, Thuggish, Shouty,
Antisocial and Fantastical, With His Betters.
You are Vigilantes, because, you carry, no Office of Legal Authority, stupid.
George thinks, Facebook is the real world and is oblivious, to, The Bigger Picture.
... and he is a liar, as he admitted, 'Hunting', just the other day.
p.s. proactive, self-defence, is not, common assault.
... and he is a liar, as he admitted, 'Hunting', just the other day.
p.s. proactive, self-defence, is not, common assault.
Kevin Magee @KevinMageeBeeb
Google News
Information to, as usual, please.
Prologue - Sins and Sons of Stinson
Why Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends, Antis, Vigilantes And Their Aggressive Thralls, Do What They Do
There Is Now No Need (Still) For The Paedophile Hunters [Sic] To Meet Their Prey - Ever
Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends - Why They Are Pointless, Time-Wasting, Resource-Wasting, Ignorant, Hater, Fools
Tracking And Understanding, The Recent And Faltering, 'Hunter' And Follower, Pandemic, Moral Panic And Hysteria
Vigilante Paedophile [Sic] Hunting Groups In The UK Are Out Of Control
You Know It Is All Over, Go Now, With A Modicum Of Integrity
We Love, The Smell Of Inevitability, In The Afternoon
The Reasons, 'Hunters' Do Not Do, What They Should Be Doing
One More Nail, In The Coffin, Of Any Future Legal Authority
The 'Hunters' Are Restless
Not The First Time, These Simpleton Reprobates, Have Caused Conflict, Social Unrest And Public Order Issues
Slowy, But, Surely
Could Not Have Happened, To A Nastier, Guy (Well, Perhaps, A Few More, A Bit Nastier)
The Likes Of Stinson Hunter's Prey And Sex With 'Kids' - Get A Clue !!!
If you are affected, by any of the issues, raised, here ...
MAPs - you are not alone - very much, not alone ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tor versions, available, for most downlinks.
Thank you.
James O'Neill and many other 'hunters' just confronted the reporter live in video. They are going to make headlines for all the wrong reasons.
Yes the footage shows how aggressive and confrontational those hunters are.
Deletedefinitely not painting themselves in the best light are they.
This could be there downfall.
Just seen this on Brannigan's page. Could be a wind up, but given how nasty Julie and her gopher are, it could also be true.
ReplyDelete''Martin Xhows Yes of course I cannot put a profile up in my own name using my usual photo. But rest assured, Doherty and Gordon sent an email to Guildford and Farnham police station saying they were a young worried mother who's child had been taken to the horseriding stables behind Shane's property. This was done Monday. In that email they said they had seen an 11 year old girl handcuffed and bleeding being raped inside Shane's caravan by Shane himself. This was sent to the police and Shane was arrested last week and his devices seized. I know this because I was at Gordon's home in Hednesford when this email was being planned. It was not sent from there. Gordon and Sarah drove out to an internet cafe in central Birmingham and sent it from there. I was with them. The owner of that internet cafe has CCTV footage of them. Please, trust what I say. #justiceforShane #jailforInternetInterceptors''
I’ve had to read that twice! I cannot believe what ive read! Omg
DeleteJulie has moved to Birmingham as she was to scared to stop in London!
DeleteIf any of this is true and Shane has been arrested on that basis, then you need to contact Surrey and West Midlands Police with this. WMP must be able to track down Gordon and Julie as well as the internet cafe in Birmingham that was allegedly used.
DeleteJames showing his true colours there. So its ok for them to go to innocent people's homes and upset there children and family members. How many lifes have these people destroyed yet when the BBC want a chat all hell lets lose. Hypocrites the lot of them.
ReplyDelete‘Protecting kids.’
ReplyDeleteThat old chestnut again. I challenge James to produce evidence of this as we all know the only ‘kids’ involved are fictional children being played by adult decoys on adult sites.
He’s never protecting a real child, only traumatised children belonging to the man who commit suicide after talking to a fictional child.
James has no remorse or empathy for the situation he caused. James is clearly someone with a lot of issues.
I did think him and Brannigan might be turning over a new leaf just recently but the evidence shows otherwise. Both still as deranged as ever and doomed to fail.
ReplyDeleteThe Children's Pride
11 hrs ·
Cheers to
The Hidden Web for our upcoming sting help and to child protectors scotland for the final piece of the puzzle x''
I don't believe a word of this. All just the laltest ploy to be the 'biggest and best hunter' in the eyes of gullbile sheep. Even if he was on the Dark Web, he would undoubtedly be treading in a minefield by engaging with the various sites (without legal authority).
Wouldn't surprise me if wigga James ends up receiving child abuse images. Idiot.
The hidden web is a new team. Another group of jobless vigalentes with nothing better to do than snare men on adult dating sites.
DeleteThanks for explaining. I just assumed he meant the Dark Web lol.
DeleteIt would certainly land him in hot water if he started messing with suspects currently under the radar of real detectives.
45 mins ·
Today is TRAP’S first birthday(and my 34th) so I just want to thank everyone who has shown me support in anyway over the last year,even if you’ve liked a status or watched a video then I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart it’s been a rollercoaster of a year to be honest but here’s to the next 20 years! Much love from Stevie ''
The above passage is the type of thing you can commonly see on hunting pages.
An annoucement that it is their 'anniversary' before segueing into 'it's also my birthday too by the way' type posts.
This type of post, is in itself, proof that these people are all about their own egos - and not, ''in it for the kids.''
Is Steve Dure so incredibly insecure that he needs reassurance from his followers that he is 'loved?'
Why do a bunch of total strangers need to know it's your birthday? Does 'Stevie' think people are too dumb to realise his 'anniversary post' was all about his need for people to wish him a happy birthday and tell his how great he is?
I've yet to see a single hunter that isn't narcissistic to some degree or another. I can only think these people have a huge void in their lives that they need to fill.
Utterly pathetic.
Good job PSNI. Their guidelines mean that the evidence has to be highly robust and meet a strong burden of proof before they'll consider it, and it also means that the more casual thugs and gibbons will give up because it's too much effort to do it properly. The decoys will have to out themselves as well, so there can be no hiding.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the rest of the UK follows suit.
The UK desperately need these guide lines.
DeleteIts becoming worse by the day with more and more vigilante groups popping up and no regulations.
James/George the angry ginger leprechaun has made a complete public fool of himself. He'd be better off working as a doorman so he can enjoy taking is pent-up frustrations out on pissed up clubbers.
ReplyDeleteI was willing to perhaps believe James and Shane are going to do something positive but in no time at all, they both seemed to revert to knuckle-dragging type. James is ranting at reporters while Shane is increasingly making veiled threats toward his hunting adversaries.
This is only going to end badly for all of these vigilantes.
The circus grows! A ‘decoy’ has been stung for grooming children himself. Real kids! Where will this ever end??
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the best yet. Chav decoy gets stung.
ReplyDeleteOne big circus.
I bet they lot more hiding between hunters/decoys only matter of time before truth comes can claim to protect children when paedos amongst them? Lol
ReplyDeleteJames is an very angry unbalanced man. He is not a good advert for the hunting community.
ReplyDeleteWhy did he need to go with a gang of other vigilantes to confront the BBC reporter surely he could of just taken him aside and had a one to one conversation with him.
Its a shame no one on that Nolan Show brought up the fact that hunter teams put there decoys in adult dating sites where its been proven no real children exist. Therefore they are wasting resources and not protecting real children.
ReplyDeleteBecause; unlike hunting community idiots, I don't like in a 'facebook bubble' – I have taken the liberty of highlighting this issue (and many others) to the people that actually matter (those with the power to actually do something about it).
DeleteHigh ranking personel are now FULLY AWARE of the realities that lay behind the hunting community masks, partly thanks to yours truly, and also thanks to a few others that have taken the time to 'write to the right people.'
James O'Niel and all the other buffons truly are a 'bunch of nothings.'
George is making a massive fool of himself come on you can harldy discribe Chelsey Lewis as vaunrable.
ReplyDeleteThat's what i was thinking i almost spat my coffee out when he called Chelsey Lewis vaunrable lol
Delete'Spambox Release'
ReplyDeleteHiding behind the vail of "we protect kids" you don't tho do you George? Not really when you look at it properly. Was this not thuggish mob mentality at it's finest tho? I think so. As identified by KM "do you have anger issues?" I've seen people sectioned for less, let's put it that way. I'm in complete shock. I do believe these are the actions of an individual who maybe unwell? At one point he stated he had a bigger following than the BBC? I am truly baffled and this incident, truly baffled. on Rules Is Rules ... So Many More, To Follow
on 07/02/18
George is narcissistic full of self importance with anger issues of course the number of followers are important to him he needs to feed his massive ego.
ReplyDeleteValid question.
ReplyDeleteIs James 'angry orangutan' O'neil fit to be a parent with such obvious anger issues?
Can't help but feel concerned for the welfare of any child in his care.
Breaking News:
ReplyDeleteUnconfirmed sources suggest James O’Neils anger issues may be attributed through having to walk around with pubes like tangerine candy floss.,
I wonder how many thirsty women unfollowed George of the jungle when they finally saw the body behind"the voice" haha he reminds me of an angry orangutan certainly fits in well in the circus that the so called community has become.
ReplyDeleteThe color of his hair is not relavant i don't agree with bringing peoples looks or hair color into anything.
ReplyDeleteHe's a narcissistic thug the color of his hair is not the issue nor should it be mocked.
I have about as much sympathy of James 'everyone listen to me prattling on' O'neil, as he did for the guy who's death he is responsible for.
I've just watched almost half of that broadcast by James O'Neil.
ReplyDeleteI don't claim to be a body language expert but just the very first minute or so screams 'I'm really important' (Or he thinks he is, when in fact, he isn't).
Victim victim victim is all I heard (I had to turn it off as I can't stand whining snowflakes).
Chelsea Lewis is a grown woman that CHOSE to do what she does. A reporter (from a respected media outlet) turns up at her door to simply ask a few questions about the vigilante work she does, and this stresses her out? Notice James puts much emphasis on a child being at her address. They were there to ask Chelsea questions, not a child.
Then he rambles on about how they turn up at his address, and states a 'what if' scenario. That's just a what if, and not actual fact. The hypocrisy of a man who, without being officially appointed as a legal authority, appoints himself as a 'child protection enforcer' (which is basically a man who fishes for idiotic or lonely men on adult sites), and had no problem whatsoever with disrupting the lives of innocent people (including any children at the address), because he's allegedly, 'acting in a good cause' (which is bullshit), who then throws a wobbly just because an accredited journalist (who had been requesting interviews but was denied any by this coward who can't answer for his actions) turns up at his door looking for the answers he seeks.
James O'neil is a massive hypocrite - as proven. He is a coward for not allowing an interview. He is a scumbag for disrupting the lives of innocent people in his quest for self -glorification (which is evident where he see how self-important and egotistical he is).
I previously backed (and commended) Shane Brannigan for leaving hunting behind and finally trying something far more productive - but I feel, given that he and James are 'reverting to type,
' they are doomed to fail and not worthy of any support.
Shane has made a massive mistake getting involved with that angry idiot from Belfast. He has made a fool of himself and the 'community' as a whole. What a bellend.
Well said.
DeleteYou said every thing i wanted to say in a nut shell.
I was looking for information regarding Paddy Fripps and the group Keeping Kids Safe as something didnt seem right about they way they operate, upon talking to a friend of one of the hunters there called "daisy decoy nugget duke" i discovered some pretty worrying facts.
ReplyDeleteIt turns out that Paddy has recently been found guilty of breach of the peace and harassment after sting went wrong and was ordered to pay nearly £1500 in criminal fines, so it sounds a bit more serious that what they were saying.
Secondly, which is certainly more worrying is that this "daisy decoy nugget duke" has recently been arrested for assaulting her own 3 year old child and was bailed away from the address for nearly 4 months and was charged with the offence after overwhelming evidence against her.
She has been told she cannot work with children but is still allowed to take part in this group, apparently protecting children?
I tried to leave feedback on there website bit i was quickly blocked and all my posts deleted.
That was after being met with hostility from the usual mob tha
Dirty Daisy and Pecker out Paddy have a thing going on
ReplyDeleteMinto an wife from CCUK had a child taken becoz of harm injuries
ReplyDeleteTillie Tantrums kids are not allowed with her