This group, of dangerous, ignorant, societally-toxic, antisocial, reprobates,
is what you get, when it fails
Michael McCheyne
Creates, a, massive, public order danger, again.
Creates, a, massive, public order danger, again.
Destroys, an, evidently, vulnerable, young, woman.
Distresses and bullys, her, enough, to reveal the address, of her, vulnerable, partner ... live.
Distresses and bullys, her, enough, to reveal the address, of her, vulnerable, partner ... live.
Sends, a SOA 2003 Notifiee, 'on-the-run', with the potential risks and real costs.
All innocent, at the time, of course.
All innocent, at the time, of course.
Believes, the local CID, are his buddies.
Believes, it is all, a, great, success.
Michael, is little more, than a dangerous fantasist (and his cronies); clearly, a mentally-unstable,
fame-hungry, deluded, angry, obsessive, hypocrite, and not fit, to go near, any vulnerable people.
All, Michael, All
Fortunately, soon, this will be all over.
***** fame-hungry, deluded, angry, obsessive, hypocrite, and not fit, to go near, any vulnerable people.
All, Michael, All
Fortunately, soon, this will be all over.
In better days, most of these people, would have been in asylums, for a time, or permanently, for their own safety and those around them.
Cleansing the genetic pool.
Ah well; that is the price, we have to pay, for being educated, tolerant, civilised and humane - unlike them.
Just gets better and better
More to follow, possibly.
It sickens us, to watch the video footage, again, knowing that we all share, the same planet, with these people, let alone, our country.
Information to, as usual, please.
It sickens us, to watch the video footage, again, knowing that we all share, the same planet, with these people, let alone, our country.
Information to, as usual, please.
Prologue - Sins and Sons of Stinson
Why Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends, Antis, Vigilantes And Their Aggressive Thralls, Do What They Do
There Is Now No Need (Still) For The Paedophile Hunters [Sic] To Meet Their Prey - Ever
Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends - Why They Are Pointless, Time-Wasting, Resource-Wasting, Ignorant, Hater, Fools
Tracking And Understanding, The Recent And Faltering, 'Hunter' And Follower, Pandemic, Moral Panic And Hysteria
Vigilante Paedophile [Sic] Hunting Groups In The UK Are Out Of Control
You Know It Is All Over, Go Now, With A Modicum Of Integrity
We Love, The Smell Of Inevitability, In The Afternoon
The Reasons, 'Hunters' Do Not Do, What They Should Be Doing
One More Nail, In The Coffin, Of Any Future Legal Authority
The 'Hunters' Are Restless
Not The First Time, These Simpleton Reprobates, Have Caused Conflict, Social Unrest And Public Order Issues
Slowy, But, Surely
Could Not Have Happened, To A Nastier, Guy (Well, Perhaps, A Few More, A Bit Nastier)
The Likes Of Stinson Hunter's Prey And Sex With 'Kids' - Get A Clue !!!
If you are affected, by any of the issues, raised, here ...
MAPs - you are not alone - very much, not alone ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tor versions, available, for most downlinks.
Thank you.
I was disgusted at how these people treated that young lady it was clear to see she had learning disabilities it was nothing short of bullying.
ReplyDeleteIm trying to contact the police over what ive witnessed.
ReplyDeleteAbosulty horrified they were so aggressive to her. as the poster above states she has learning disabilities.
This sort of behaviour cant be aloud to continue.
The sting was in London.
Got ya already on it mate. Met police number
Delete020 7230 12 12
Brannigan has taken it to a new level of low today. Pure little man syndrome bullying a woman with LD. Well at least it makes him feel big and better about himself and his pitiful existence. As for the idiots with him enough said. The end is near for shane Kirkham
ReplyDeleteThis how he treats women he has always treated women like that. You heard what he's said about Juile how he's threatened her that's nothing to what he's done in private. Karma is coming for that c**t
DeleteDisgraceful sting.
ReplyDeleteAll too busy showing off on camera to even consider the repercussions of their actons.
This woman could well commity suicide after today. None of these reprobates will give a shit if she does.
Information has just been sent to some very powerful people. These idiots are about to be exposed for what they are as this sting highlights all that is wrong with having unappointed citizens playing detective.
On the subject of reprobates. I see Paddy Fripps is still on his power trip has usual.
On his sting tonight, he clearly enjoyed making the subject of his sting think he will end up in 'general population.' Through fear and a lack of understanding (that Fripps is one of life's bullshitters), he may also not kill himself through fear of being beaten up by hardcore prisoners.
Fripps is another with zero intergity. In it for the fame and glory, and the chance to show pics of his miniscule cheesy penis to women on social media. Utter scum.
Oh yeah Fripps loves to flash his tiny dick i actually saw the pic of it made me feel a whole lot better about myself. Why he'd wanna flash that about i dont know.
DeleteI registered my disgust as soon as I found out Brannigan was getting together with that wigga from Children's Pride.
ReplyDeleteHow right I was to say he was lowering himself by doing so. Huge car crash of a sting.
I've often got up the noses of those who support all these vigilantes, because they all believe in this idea of cat-fishing people on adult dating sites – whereas i don't - due to the fact that it does not necessarily prove that the person in question was ever intending to commit this type of crime - and that by setting up decoys on adult only site (where real kids do not exist), they are helping to 'create a crime.'
ReplyDeleteIn the sting involving this vulnerable woman, she asks 'what is a 14 year old doing on that site?'
This once again proves they are setting people on on adult only sites - this is totally wrong.
By contrast, I'm watching 'One Reason' do a sting on a guy that has approached a real child on Facebook. His parents have approached the team, and I assume they may have taken over the boys account or something similar. This type of thing has been done before by groups like Internet Interceptors.
It begs the question: Why aren't all teams doing this in the first place? There is no reason why they could not 'advertise their services' to parents of real children that are being groomed - and then take the account over for the purposes of gathering evidence. This is something I would take no issue with as they are then dealing with real offences, instead of pissing about on adult dating sites and creating fictional offences out of thin air.
OMFG have you seen what The Hidden Web have written about her child and their own assumptions of what happened and what will happen now, they cant just write that!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat people say and how you interpret things from their words and words they dont say nor want to tell you until they meet you does not make you fucking judge and jury by law to write such horrific claims about them or their child on facebook
Sick bunch of vile bastards who dared to write how James or Shane did things wrong!
How to big up their own catch and hunter ego in the vilest way possible!!!
You are fucking evil and not right in the head to be writing this stuff
The person that made the hidden web page is a decoy who used to be part of HD7 she stung the guy that had a stroke. she's got a bad reputation in the community she is known for sending explicit photos of herself to various men in the community she has also lead a few of them on.
DeleteAs well as being a known cock tease She's a known trouble maker She's only been around since just before xmas she's in her early 20's she's a ugly looking Asian girl from Portsmouth. i know her name but im not gonna write it as i know she's been dying to get a mention on this blog. She's vermin watch out for her.
How can I watch out for her if you dont say her name?
DeleteFear not original poster. The authorities will be soon be on to them courtesy of yours truly.
DeleteGo on the hidden web page somewhere on there is a list of decoys hers is the first name on the list.
DeleteGood evening Dr Oldfield
ReplyDeleteJames Hunt isn't James cook they are 2 different idiots, James cook real name is Steve atter maybe you should look him up after all the shit he chatted to you
The sly spider
Any1 need a minge pic inbox Mel the fb tramp cumbucket will send any male her flappy flange pics
DeleteThe state of them rejects that stung that poor girl nicking her dog which so happens to be a friendly staffy not a nasty pit ball which James said it was.
ReplyDeleteAs for Shane ive lost all respect for him the way he treated that girl and then saying he was going to bite her boyfriends ears off and snap his jaw you might of deleted the footage Shane but its too late showed your true colours there didnt ya. Why would he take his deranged brother on a sting they both need locking up in a lunatic asylum. His brother is back on the drink and drugs by the sounds of it. Report this shit show to the police.
He ain’t got rid of nothing. I’ve already sent copies to the authorities.
DeleteThese mongrels will soon be dealt a fatal blow.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
You thought Braningan had changed...Never gonna happen this is what he's like with women he treats women with contempt always has done he's a woman hater and today just proved it.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is the reason Braningan can't keep a woman and the reason he'll end up a sad lonely old man
ReplyDeleteHave carvans got open fires....
ReplyDeleteHe's sounding very much like Stinson Hunters used to (another car crash personality). Keeps making mistakes than apologises/justifies self on video afterward.
ReplyDeleteI'm also starting to wonder aboutthe vailidty of all these hunters claiming they were abused.
Jay Hunts, possibly, but not sure.
Darren Minto, same as above.
Chris Wittwer - not a chance - has been involved for ten years at least and suddenly makes this claim recently - liar.
Shane Brannigan - started off by saying a woman abused him as a teen - then added on that a man did too. Jury's out on all of these as it seems a rather convenient thigns to say which will in turn invoke an emtional response and support from fans - which in turn gives them license to pretty much do and say whatever they please.
I'd like to see all of them provide proof of claim.
On the subject of the address being given out - they clearly pressured that woman into giving it - it was no as voluntary as they claimed. This is the modus operandi of vigilantes though, want all the glory, but never take an responsiblity for their actions.
ReplyDeleteSound familiar Mr Toys out the Pram James O'Neil?
Any photos of this Paul Brannigan?
ReplyDeleteAnd Gumbo wants to go to school's he's got NO chance now he might of deleted the video but the police have already seen it.
ReplyDeleteAny school that he intends to vist will recive a copy of that footage he's is never going to be taken seriously ever again.
Predator Catchers N.I announced that they are an 'investigative journalism team' in their latest sting.
ReplyDeleteThese chav hunters truly are the gift that keeps on giving. They should try their hand at stand-up comedy next.
You can tell them two are brothers by there big noses and big chins both are ugly both lunatics and both are pussys.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Gumbo crying to his followers again showing them his emails.
I know for a fact Brannigan is a liar. He has never been abused by a man or women he's abused women himself.
ReplyDeleteIs that the brother Shane reckons is going sort Gordon Sumner out?
ReplyDeleteI'm no fan of Gordon at all but even I will say he would eat that silly looking twunt for breakfast.
Paul can't fight he's spent too many years of being on heroin and booze being homeless and losing his kid has fucked him up he's a laughing stock. The whole family are the same. Bet Irene is proud.
ReplyDeleteWhy do all the hunters/decoys/security dress, look and talk like layabouts that you’d see hanging around the job centre or outside a weatherapoons at 9am?
ReplyDeleteThey haven’t had a wash in weeks, pile their cars with litter and probably girls knickers for those that wear them. Dirty horrible chavs with no integrity or purpose in life. This is the only way they can boost their ego by having a Rita, Sue and Bob too moment in their car with team mates. No wonder new teams pop up every day, new team, new poo c.
This is exactly right.
DeleteThey all saw how superchav Stinson Hunter rose to fame and had adulation from fans who believed he should be 'knighted' simply because he helped set men up for a fall on adult dating sites. Lots of money made. No real children saved, and no actual paedophiles apprehended. Lots of drugs smokes. Much money squandered and gullible females fingered with his 'baccy fingers.'
Obviously, these other chavs don't have much purpose in life either, so they all quite predictably want a piece of the action.
Watchin Andrew Evans hide on this blog to attack Branningan is funny
ReplyDeleteIm not Andrew Evans im me and i hate Brannigan as do most people accept most people are to scared to addmit it for some unknown reason.
DeleteShane Brannigan claims to be a child abuse victim (as do many in the vigilante community). This factor alone makes them instantly unchallengeable in the eyes of the many.
It may even be a factor in why some claim it in the first place. After a decade of involvement, I find Chris Wittwers sudden recent admission very dubious indeed.
Brannigan is lieing too he was never abused as you say they use it as an excuse to do as they please unchallenged. It seems to be all the rage these days to say you've been abused.