Tuesday, 8 July 2014

OK, Ms Crocombe, We Have Enough, So As To Begin A New Project

Speaking up for the girl who couldnt.
love Nursing, Photography and God

Susan G C@shinybluedress https://twitter.com/shinybluedress

(Embedded Tweets - click date)

"Sue from Dorset was abused by a member of her family from a very early age. Here she talks to Five Live's Nicky Campbell about how predators aren't necessarily men in dirty raincoats, and how she benefitted from talking about her experiences."


25/02/2014 12:52am 

Susan Crocombe

"I have only recently had the courage to disclose... I spoke on radio last nov on Nicky Campbell discussion your call ( I have the ten min recording) ... But I would like to try and contribute as a way of using my voice to help others and also I think it will help me. I'm happy to chat to you on phone and I can email you the radio recording if you want."



Let us begin ...

Ms Crocombe - please name the guilty party, and/or the date and court location, where the trial took place, and/or the resultant sentencing date and court location.

Thank you.






This blogpost was Tweeted ... within minutes ...
Requested details, then, please?
Excellent, requested details, then, please? 
Great to know, anything on the requested details, then, please?  
Good for you (as Mr McF says, you have nothing to fear, from us - except the truth) ... nothing that was not found, very easily ... but, anything on the requested details, please?  
Until you do provide the information - you are not a victim, survivor, thriver ... not even a complainant ...  just some person, making groundless claims, against an unknown person.
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August 2015

Why would an innocent man, attacked by a mob, and being forced out of his home, be any kind of 'come uppance'? - ever?

'Come uppance' for what, Ms Crocombe? Malicious and very concerning, from you.


26th February, 2017


(Embedded Tweets - click date)


Alan Goodwin - aka Dame Alun Roberts

Dame Alun Roberts @ciabaudo https://twitter.com/ciabaudo

Alan Goodwin








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This is the mentality of this man. Not only is Dr Nigel Leigh Oldfield not a paedophile, by any medico-legal, or other, measure. His offences are now 'spent', under the ROA 1974 ... oh, and one cannot be convicted for being a paedophile, in any case.

However, the more concerning issue, is his final point ... what kind of man would believe that and post it in public?

How should a faux-paedophile, or an actual one, be treated, Mr Goodwin? 


(Embedded Tweets - click date)

Yes you are, hiding behind your block. 

Come out, coward, face me. I will let you know all you are searching for. 

In fact, perhaps, you may like to make your offensive, incorrect and harassing comments, to my face?

Open your account, coward.
(Embedded Tweets - click date)

Yes you are, some kind of, self-styled, Great White Hope, sniping from behind a block. A total online coward and fearful troll.

I am man of my word, open your account, to me, I will only Tweet to you. 

What are the 'likes of me', and who would need protecting; are they as low-resilient, lacking integrity and as weak as you?

Or, are you going continue to lie, hide, snipe and troll, behind your safe space block?

Of course you are, you are incapable of much else, when challenged.

I will await you growing a pair, as forlorn as it may be; coward. 


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When Survivors Attack (Part 5): It Took You Enough Time To Get It Up 


So, there you have it. 'No right of expression', is how Alan rationalises his choice/inability to debate/justify himself, in public, on open social media, when he lies, disinforms and defames others and is challenged.

Coward at a distance, coward in the electronic form.


(Embedded Tweets - click date)


This is only a selection, of Alan's cowardly and constant, lies, sniping and defamation.


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