Every Meal A Banquet
Say No More

Information to therealosc@gmail.com, as usual, please.
Prologue - Sins and Sons of Stinson
Why Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends, Antis, Vigilantes And Their Aggressive Thralls, Do What They Do
There Is Now No Need (Still) For The Paedophile Hunters [Sic] To Meet Their Prey - Ever
Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends - Why They Are Pointless, Time-Wasting, Resource-Wasting, Ignorant, Hater, Fools
Tracking And Understanding, The Recent And Faltering, 'Hunter' And Follower, Pandemic, Moral Panic And Hysteria
Vigilante Paedophile [Sic] Hunting Groups In The UK Are Out Of Control
You Know It Is All Over, Go Now, With A Modicum Of Integrity
We Love, The Smell Of Inevitability, In The Afternoon
The Reasons, 'Hunters' Do Not Do, What They Should Be Doing
One More Nail, In The Coffin, Of Any Future Legal Authority
The 'Hunters' Are Restless
Not The First Time, These Simpleton Reprobates, Have Caused Conflict, Social Unrest And Public Order Issues
Slowy, But, Surely
Could Not Have Happened, To A Nastier, Guy (Well, Perhaps, A Few More, A Bit Nastier)
The Likes Of Stinson Hunter's Prey And Sex With 'Kids' - Get A Clue !!!
If you are affected, by any of the issues, raised, here ...
MAPs - you are not alone - very much, not alone ...
http://www.lucyfaithfull.org.uk - stopitnow.org.uk - circles-uk.org.uk - http://www.virped.org - http://b4uact.org - https://www.stopso.org.uk
http://preventell.se/?lang=en - http://www.nemup.de/index_eng.html - https://1in6.org - www.boychat.org - www.annabelleigh.net
http://www.thepreventionproject.org - https://www.csaprimaryprevention.org - https://medium.com/@TNF_13 - https://medium.com/@enderphile - https://medium.com/@DaywalkerVirPed - https://medium.com/pedophiles-about-pedophilia
Tor versions, available, for most downlinks.
Thank you.
The hypocrisy of Astley/Gunn calling other people trolls.
ReplyDeleteI'd just like to say a big thank you to disgaced former plod and all round failure Mark 'nasty pasty' Astley for reminding me of the upcoming meeting.
ReplyDeleteThat has prompted me to put a detailed letter together that highlights are the wrongs you vigilantes have commited.
Great idea id like to write a letter also and write about some of the horrendous thing's ive seen these vigilante groups do. Who do i address the letter to ?
DeleteGreat piece by the OSC. I detest that Chelsey Harwood. Her vanity is shocking. She'll get some just-desserts soon, which will hopefully be a prison sentence for her disgusting behaviour.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that the majority of vigilante paedophile hunters are such a bunch of fucking weirdos? I can think of very few who come across as normal, balanced, considerate, gentle, kind, good, people.
And please, I don't wanna hear "oh I'm a survivor of child sex abuse myself, therefore that excuses my adult criminal behaviour".
I'm fucking sick of hearing "I'm a survivor". So fashionable these days to drop that one.
People post on pages like hunter vs hunter disagreeing with some of the things vigilante hunters do and get labelled ‘nonce enablers’ by Capital OCP and The Hub.
ReplyDeleteChelsey Hardwood states live on cam to a man with grandkids that she hopes one of them is 15 years old and gets ‘sucked off’ by an adult, and the silence from these same people is deafening.
The hypocrisy of these imbeciles is always apparent.
That meeting towards the end of the month will probably segue into a bigger crackdown and possible ban. The NPCC and Home Office want this nonsense stopped and by God they'll make that happen.
ReplyDeleteThis has now got out of control and needs to be curbed.
These vigalentes think they can get away with everything by saying 'its for the kids' when they know full well none of its for the kids there are no kids.
ReplyDeletehopefully there will all be stopped soon or face breaking the law.
Interceptors still causing Shane grief.
Gordon sumner give it a rest!
DeleteJulie has really trained you well.
Your slut using social services again for records I see.
I hope the police watch Shane’s video and relise the frustration he is in. When are you going to stop!
Your working your way round the country knocking on people’s doors with your hood up. Just piss off out the community!
I hope the police take note of all the complaints about you and it gets you arrested.
Why are you replying to Gordon here? He may not even read this page.
DeleteOh yes he does... he usually posts cryptic messages on his Facebook aimed at this very blog
DeleteLmao never read this page or its posts its all he ever talked about
DeleteThat’s why Gordon sumner went to oldfields flat about this blog
DeleteI thought it was ferns who went there
DeleteIt had nothing to do with this blog. The whole reason for that awful harassment on Dr Oldfield was simply to try to bully and intimadate
DeleteDr Oldfield but they Couldnt even achieve that not even in there gang because that's how these bullies operate in gangs.
They wanted to show off and instead all they did was show themselves up it really was pathetic.
Nathan was the ring leader followed by Luca. There were many of them. You can hear Gordon saying something like “let’s go” in the background when it got heated. Dixon said as also there.
DeleteGordon posted he went because they wanted to know why oldfield posts about them etc
They were all there rats come in packs.
Deletewhy shouldn't Dr Oldfield post about them ?
They constantly post about him they even intice violence agaisnt him.
What ever Dr Oldfield posts on his own blog is up to him at least what Dr Oldfield posts is the truth.
Yes you have a valid point there they are always posting stuff about Nigel. He's the topic of most of there conversations. So why can't he post about them again its another case of them thinking they can do and say what they want yet others can't.
DeleteI see internet interceptors have deleted their posts about Chelsey. Maybe they didn’t want her exposing them.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely they have alot they don't want Chelsey to expose. They use and abuse people for there own gain.
DeleteWe should all write to Shane’s local police and get the lady with a kids body and old face and her hunny monster that she’s drags around with her arrested.
ReplyDeleteShe is rude to everyone and has control over all the accounts and even replies to you rude on inbox. The way she talks to people is terrible. The only people who have anything to do with her are the same.
Amelia now supports internet interceptors and also now replies rude.
The community is a joke and very two faced.
Capital OCP have bailed under a false flag, regulation is not in sight yet,they would also know if they were staying or going and why,plenty of time to ram in more stings yeat plus they will still be posting all further convictions for continued pats on the old hunter back.They are running from something else don't be fooled.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry. None of us are fooled by nasty Astley and his entrouage.
DeleteThey are devious scum that align themselves with other scum such as Internet Intercecptors.
At least none of Capital OCP have harassed Mr Oldfield they may post the odd post about him but they have never gone as far as them freaks Luca , Ferns , Sumner, Docherty , Dixon and that other gobby wench they went way too far and made themselves look like obsessed psychopaths Especially Ferns and he's the last one that should be taking the moral high ground he has the morals of a sewer rat.
DeleteI can't read the comments on these live stings anymore it makes me so angry.
ReplyDeleteJustice Will be Severd stung a young 21yr old boy earlier and the comments are disgusting the hate is unbelievable.
It makes me ashamed to be apart of the human race when i see the venom they spew.
Where have all the normal kind compassionate people gone why are people so vile there's no need of it.
The civilised sections of society are still here. You must remember that most vigilante hunters are low intelligence people (often with criminal records) and most of their followers are of the same knuckle dragging mentality.
DeleteMost of them would look at home on Jeremy Kyle’s stage.
Just watching that Irish team and once again, they are acting way ouside of any powers under section 24a of PACE.
ReplyDeleteThey stopped into the guy's property and yanked him out by force, telling him that they are arresting him. They have no legal right whatsoever to do that, idiots like this should be dealt with by the authorities.
They hand out arrests like sweets. They do it that fast the men don’t know what’s even happing especially when they do it by illegal fighting them or putting their foot in their door.
ReplyDeleteMany people don’t even know what a 24A is and hardly any of the hunters explain why they issue it. Some don’t even say they are under it like I watched a sting the other day!
There's just no educating stupid. If, but, maybe, no not really. They just don't get the fact that 'fictional children' will NEVER be high priority. The police always have real work to do.
Keeping Kids Safe
44 mins ·
Massive let down by Merseyside police tonight yet AGAIN!!
Hunters has been outside predators address since 7.30, first phone call the operator said they’ve put it down as a priority and officers had been dispatched.
4 phone calls later - 3 to 999 and 1 to 101 & no officers are there yet!
The suspect is a very dangerous Male, obviously well known to the police and they still ain’t prioritising it!
You should be ashamed of yourselves Merseyside Police.
*** Edit - They are now saying they ain’t in a rush because it’s not involving a real life child, it’s a bloody good job it isn’t because something serious could of happened to him/her!! ***''
Dear Anonymous,
DeleteThis is the tiny, fantasy, world, they all live, within :(
Chris Whittwer outs a hunter who hits his wife front of children.
ReplyDeleteHe also outs a hunter who uses hunting and his own teams decoys for extra marital cock sucking sessions under the guise of pre or post sting meets plus wanking chat sessions online while his wife is sleeping.
No one called Chris a troll (to his face anyway)
James Jewel (proud team mate of the first called out man he once chased all round town for hitting his wife) posted some deflecting 'jealously' claim coming from Chris Whittwer.
James Jewel is two faced he slated Nathan Hunter for battering his partner than takes him out on stings and does an interview with him.
DeleteHe did not just slate him he made a very threatening eminem type gangster vid,which was most ridiculous but and then chased Nathan Hunter all over town, filmed him trapped inside a car went to his house banging on his door filmed that and caught him shopping in town and took pictures of nathan being threatened by james
DeleteGordon Sumner and Julie are still best mates with him too Chris Wittwer.
DeleteOr "SURVIVOUR" as many of them say hahaha "NOUNCE" is another one of their sheep mis-spell, along with there, their, they're, to, too, Two confusion
ReplyDeleteDid i seriously hear Nathan Hunter say his brain is wired up right omg he has the biggest fucked up brain ever he certainly aint wired up right he has so many issue's he's not a normal human being with a rational thinking brain.
ReplyDeleteI dread to think what goes on in the pits of his twisted filthy mind. He's sick he really is how can someone that batters a woman in front of her kids claim to be normal.
Anyone that beats a woman regardless if its in front of kids or not is NOT what a civilised soceity would class as "normal" in fact Shane put a post on his page back along of a man getting a beating from locals for beating his wife and actually said that beating a woman is not of normal criminal element meaning a woman beater is a nonce.