


More to follow?
Information to therealosc@gmail.com, as usual, please.
Prologue - Sins and Sons of Stinson
Why Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends, Antis, Vigilantes And Their Aggressive Thralls, Do What They Do
There Is Now No Need (Still) For The Paedophile Hunters [Sic] To Meet Their Prey - Ever
Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends - Why They Are Pointless, Time-Wasting, Resource-Wasting, Ignorant, Hater, Fools
Tracking And Understanding, The Recent And Faltering, 'Hunter' And Follower, Pandemic, Moral Panic And Hysteria
Vigilante Paedophile [Sic] Hunting Groups In The UK Are Out Of Control
You Know It Is All Over, Go Now, With A Modicum Of Integrity
We Love, The Smell Of Inevitability, In The Afternoon
The Reasons, 'Hunters' Do Not Do, What They Should Be Doing
One More Nail, In The Coffin, Of Any Future Legal Authority
The 'Hunters' Are Restless
Not The First Time, These Simpleton Reprobates, Have Caused Conflict, Social Unrest And Public Order Issues
Slowy, But, Surely
Could Not Have Happened, To A Nastier, Guy (Well, Perhaps, A Few More, A Bit Nastier)
The Likes Of Stinson Hunter's Prey And Sex With 'Kids' - Get A Clue !!!
If you are affected, by any of the issues, raised, here ...
MAPs - you are not alone - very much, not alone ...
http://www.lucyfaithfull.org.uk - stopitnow.org.uk - circles-uk.org.uk - http://www.virped.org - http://b4uact.org - https://www.stopso.org.uk
http://preventell.se/?lang=en - http://www.nemup.de/index_eng.html - https://1in6.org - www.boychat.org - www.annabelleigh.net
http://www.thepreventionproject.org - https://www.csaprimaryprevention.org - https://medium.com/@TNF_13 - https://medium.com/@enderphile - https://medium.com/@DaywalkerVirPed - https://medium.com/pedophiles-about-pedophilia
Tor versions, available, for most downlinks.
Thank you.
Can't wait for Shane Brannigan, the King, to expose that dirty ugly smack rat Sarah Christina Doherty aka Julie aka Paula Sting of Internet Interceptors.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime a Facebook group Internet Deceptors have published this video showing what they say are confirmed photos of Sarah Christina Doherty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAaRObRLqKc&t=349s
I know what she looks like...
DeleteShe is short, small build, long dark hair but looks old in the face. Basically looks like a teenager till you notice her face.
Her gopher features in this video. Looks like he’s grown a beard.
Would you grow a beard if you looked like a cabbage patch kid
DeleteGot to laugh at that team from Northern Ireland. ''Let them crack on, we'll keep going.''
ReplyDeleteThis jokers must think they are modern Che Guevara's or something.
There will be no revolution you laughable losers.
You don't just do what you like in Northern Ireland. There are certain people who don't like that sort of thing and, frankly, the PSNI are the least of their worries.
DeleteAt least the PSNI go through PACE and the courts. Other groups tend to just go straight for the kneecaps.
I think they are banking on being supported for their 'noble cause' by those you speak of. But it does have to be said, even 'child protection enfrorcers' have to adhere to the 'rules' and ask persmission to enter certain areas.
DeleteIf ever those paramiltaries decided it would be detrimental to have vigilantes kicking up a shit storm with the press and the authorities, then, like you suggest, they may well be getting a visit in the middle of the night (fingers crossed).
Shane Brannigan the king !!!
ReplyDeleteAre having a laugh he aint no king he's a paranoid deranged little man with too much to say.
He's full of self importance and thinks he's above the law.
Truth be told he's scared that's why he needs to show his followers the emails he's been sent he has upset too many people and now he's a quivering wreck he's on the verg of a breakdown.
The police are all over Brannigan because they believe he is a threat to himself and to others. If he carries on with his ranting nonsense they WILL hunt him down and arrest him. They already have evidence of him threats to kill and other acts of violence and harassment.
DeleteOnly a matter of time before their patience runs out and he goes away for a while. He knows that and he's running.
The only place Shane is running is headfirst into Interceptors with facts!
DeleteWhat's going on in this so called community there all fighting and bitching about each other and sending each other nude and disgusting photos they are worse than the so called predators
ReplyDeleteMost of the predators were just guys that were stupid/lonely/horny enough to get carried away with themselves after discovering someone underage on whatever dating site they joined.
DeleteApart from a few here and there that show a real interest in schoolgirls (and pre-teens), most are certainly not the monsters they are portrayed to be. If there was no decoy on said site, there would have never have been a crime committed.
So yes, I do agree the integrity of these so-called heroes is highly questionable, considering the way many of them do or have behave(d).
Yes i have seen for myself that most of the so called predators are just sad lonely men that sign up on dating sites to find a adult partner but there's soo many decoys on those sites its inavatbale that they will fall prey to one or more of them.
DeleteThese aren't dangerous men they just get caught up in the moment and can't believe that someone actually wants to reply to them some have no intention of even meeting up. Most of the hunters and decoys are more dangerous than these men.
Hows Andrew?
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with these people calling a police car a taxi and handcuffs Pandora bracelets how stupid are they it sounds so childish.
ReplyDeleteAll about the egos and the entertainent value.
DeleteNot a single shred of integrity exists among any of them. Even Shane Brannigan used to play up to the cam.
Braningan used to play up to the camera when did he ever stop playing up to the camera he acts the hard man but only to vaunrable people put a real man in front of him and see what he does then.....
DeleteOnce again, 'wigga James' dancing and singing on cam on his way to a sting. This makes a total mockery of the seriousness of child abuse. These people are not in it for the kids at all - they are clearly in it for the glory (James is likely also in it for the opportunity to shag plenty of gullible females too). I'm truly amazed that the followers of these pages cannot see this reality.
ReplyDeleteToday's stings is a collaboration with Shane Brannigan, a man who claimed he's 'moved on from hunting.'
You're full of shit Brannigan. Not only have you gone back to old ways, you've just sunk to a new low by getting involved with 'James of Children's Pride,' who is without doubt one of the biggest idiots I've ever seen in this so-called community.
In one of his former videos (also dancing and singing en route to a sting), he's dressed like someone who is desperate to be on set with 'Dog the Bounty Hunter' with his stab vest, attached communcation device (police style) and raybans.
He spends most of his time writing stomach churning - puke inducing - cringe worthy poems about 'being a hunter.'
The man has got TWAT written right across his cheesy face.
What the hell is wrong with you Brannigan? You claim to have integrity, and yet this, getting involved with an idiot like that (he's almost as bad as Matt Chapman in terms of dickhead status) shows you have none.
I predict your new venture will fail, just as you have 'failed,' with everything else you set out to achieve, but didn't achieve.
Braningan has no integrity he's a bitter twisted little lair he best stick wit James there two of a kind both attention seeking low lifes. Braningan aint been abused he lied. He's one of lifes fuck ups he fails at everything always has done always will do. As for that face he's got a face only a mother could love but even she can't love that ha ha
DeleteYet more repercussions from thoughtless, brain dead, vigilante actions.
One of the team at First Line of Defence wanted to put a guy under 'citizens address.'
ReplyDeleteYou got a post code for that mate?
Ah big man Darren Minto/ Rob Hunter slagging Oliver Ferns off where's your baby rob? Oh that's right Kelly Davis parents have her. How's Kelly now you hit and hurt her while pregnant... Why can't she have her little girl? That's right because of you!! Where's your own children? Oh that's right they aren't allowed near scum like you!! You should leave the community you are a danger to children your not even allowed your own FFS you are as bad as mark Carney and Oliver!! Btw I remember when you first started had Kelly blocked wasn't it you that was swapping videos and sexts with a grandma? Sick is what you are!!!
Wigga James showing off on cam in front of Brannigan by calling a woman talking to a fictional 14 year old a 'dirty paedophile bitch.'
ReplyDeleteHow many chavs does it take to change a light bulb? Take a look at how many chavs are surrounding a 'woman' that is frightened and by herself.
This is proof that James is a scumbag and if he ever crosses my path (I live not too far), I'll show him what a real man can do.
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteThe man and his team, are, socially-toxic, simpletons.
They disgust any, right-thinking, person.
They will assist closure.
DeleteI need to calm down as this has really angered me.
In no way am I excusing any potential offences committed by this woman but there is a right way and a wrong way to deal with certain individual cases.
This woman was clearly terrified, was a victim of abuse, appeared to be potentially vulnerable in terms of mental state, and had just lost a baby.
Despite all this, these feral mongrels taunted and goaded her and made her feel like a monster that goes after pre-teen kids when actually, she thought she was talking to someone just coming into adolescence. Furthermore, it is obvious that she is easily led and has a manipulative boyfriend, who himself has a previous conviction for similar offences.
This sting needed someone like Gary Shields to handle it, who was the complete opposite in approach to grand standing aggressive idiots like we see here.
I would not be surprised if this woman kills herself.
Truly disgusting and I am pleading with the authorities to stop this madness now.
Be thankful Interceptors didnt do the sting
DeleteGary Shields is a vile pig https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1558092317641021&id=1558075724309347
DeleteShane Brannigan has stopped to a new low today. A man who is clearly having a mental breakdown. This man is a ticking time bomb and needs to be stopped. It comes to something when you have to align yourself with idiots like James
DeleteHuge shorts was doing a bit more than mailing Daisy he was prodding her pistil with his stamen.
DeleteShame we can’t get decoys arrested and sentenced for joining adult sites with a child’s profile with intentions to groom an adult. Why do they always tell the ‘predator’ on stings they should have blocked the decoy? This could work 2 ways. Why does the decoy not block the adult? How many ‘real’ 13 year olds would continue a conversation with the ugliest and often dumbest men who show them their cock??
ReplyDeleteJust putting this out there if rob hunter wants Sarah Williamson/Jo hunt or whoever she chooses to be today I have her address anyone wants it's just reply I'm willing to give it out to anyone call it community service
ReplyDeleteBecky Wood I think half the world already knows since Mark Astley posted it that much.
DeleteGet it right. ‘Nasty Astley,’ the biggest scumtard in the whole community
ReplyDeleteI thought Gary Shields was the best hunter going. Nobody has or could replace him. So what if he was shagging around? It’s nobody else’s business and if these groupies were dropping their knicks for him then so be it. Please come back Gary!! You are sorely missed and needed. The community is a shambles.
ReplyDeleteAll these so called teams are collapsing. They can’t stand the truth being told about them and exposing them for who they really are, opportunistic cunts who need an ego boost and a bit of pussy on the side.
I for one would welcome you back with open arms, I’m sure thousands of others would too
There’s not even a car seat fitted in his car!