Finding Out, One Of You, Is A 'Nonce' - The Fact Is, Most Of You Are, In Heart And Mind
Finding Out, One Of You, Is A 'Nonce' - The Fact Is, Most Of You Are, In Heart And Mind

Hidden Web Harpy
Time, to test, the strength, of her love
'DBS-Checked' Mandy Bradley aka Becca - Queen Bee, Of This, Superior Judgement, Chavvy Circus, Troupe.

Hidden Web Harpy
Time, to test, the strength, of her love
'DBS-Checked' Mandy Bradley aka Becca - Queen Bee, Of This, Superior Judgement, Chavvy Circus, Troupe.

Hubby 'James'

Bro' 'Nathan'
Wall-punching, fantasist, social misfit, drama queens and cucks.

Just look at, and listen to, Mandy
More to follow.
Information to, as usual, please.
Prologue - Sins and Sons of Stinson
Why Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends, Antis, Vigilantes And Their Aggressive Thralls, Do What They Do
There Is Now No Need (Still) For The Paedophile Hunters [Sic] To Meet Their Prey - Ever
Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends - Why They Are Pointless, Time-Wasting, Resource-Wasting, Ignorant, Hater, Fools
Tracking And Understanding, The Recent And Faltering, 'Hunter' And Follower, Pandemic, Moral Panic And Hysteria
Vigilante Paedophile [Sic] Hunting Groups In The UK Are Out Of Control
You Know It Is All Over, Go Now, With A Modicum Of Integrity
We Love, The Smell Of Inevitability, In The Afternoon
The Reasons, 'Hunters' Do Not Do, What They Should Be Doing
One More Nail, In The Coffin, Of Any Future Legal Authority
The 'Hunters' Are Restless
Not The First Time, These Simpleton Reprobates, Have Caused Conflict, Social Unrest And Public Order Issues
Slowy, But, Surely
Could Not Have Happened, To A Nastier, Guy (Well, Perhaps, A Few More, A Bit Nastier)
The Likes Of Stinson Hunter's Prey And Sex With 'Kids' - Get A Clue !!!
If you are affected, by any of the issues, raised, here ...
MAPs - you are not alone - very much, not alone ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Thank you.
Moved and Redacted.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous16 February 2018 at 13:29
Hot on the heels of a decoy that was caught doing the very thing he was meant to be against, we now have a guy called 'Scouse Hunter' also doing the same.
Anonymous16 February 2018 at 14:10
xxxxx(Scouse Hunter) of The Guardian Angels - also a registered sex offender.
The Jezza Kyle show circus continues!
Dear Readers and Contributors,
ReplyDeletePoor Scouse.
Sierra will be delighted.
Could not have happened, to a better, group of people.
DBS check? On what, legal, authority and by whom?
More to follow.
Did they have beef?
DeleteI see a rouse up for DBS mandatory checks of hunters and admins by some teams.
DeleteThis should be fun.
Does it include members already in the team too?
It has to to state the whole team is checked 'child sexual offender' free?
I bet there are loads of hunters and decoys right now going ''HUSH-HUSH'' to the teams calling for checks haha
How hard is it to google a name and location? I found his previous offences straight away and if you’d have taken a minute you’d all have done the same. How can you let this person be glorified and adored by the thick munters that follow these teams?
ReplyDeleteWhy would you not check up on someone before letting them into your home and ESPECIALLY around your children? I can’t believe how stupid you have been. Totally unbelievable that any mother would allow a stranger into her children’s safe place. Tut tut.
It shows that their often boasted about 'detective skills' are severely lacking. They all knew his real name and location, yet had no idea.
DeleteWhat was his offence? I can't be bothered googling.
DeleteThis is yet another inicdent that highlights the need for regulation (if the authorities are to allow civillians to keep getting involved).
ReplyDeleteThere needs to be a strict policy requiring an Enhanced DBS for everyone (to weed out unsavoury characters).
And considering that there have been plenty of 'unstable characters' involving themselves in this (psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists and megalomaniacs etc...), I would suggest that the authorities also insist on a compulsary and detailed mental health assessment of all regulated applicants - to ensure they are mentally fit enough for the purpose.
Wake up please government, the time for positive change is now. .
Only after a call from the police she checked the online database and whoops! There he was.
ReplyDeleteI do question these kind of people, again no police in sight taking him away. Are these people actors all in it for the viewing? Some
sick sadistic ploy for likes and popularity? Stings and groups in general are massively in demise which means they are slowly being caught out for what its all really about. Does make you question a lot of things.
They kept the cameras down out of respect for any officers that may wish not to be filmed. If you watch part two, you will see police trousers/boots walking about.
DeleteI watched it all thanks. How do you know they were Police trousers and boots?
DeleteAnother gullible follower no doubt.
Another gullibe follower?
DeleteYou really have no idea of who I am at all. For the record, I am a regular contributor to this page.
But also for the record, I'm ex police, and not someone who gets carried with mass hysteria muppets like yourself.
Another one with 8 inch roots on live feed ugh sort it out.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone reported to DLA dont forget fatty puff puff pant pant gasp gasp Amelia
ReplyDeleteThose are the sounds she makes while in bed with failed copper and general all-round nasty piece of work, Astley.
DeleteDBS checks? 90% of the hunting community would vanish lol
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the negligence that team. im also shocked that the police didn't take details of each team member at each sting if they had scouse would of been found out long ago.
ReplyDeleteLooking at the photo's you've put up wonder who the chavy looking woman with the straggley blond hair and green coat is.
It looks like that horrific shambles of a sting that childrens pride and Brannigan did. Im pleased you still have the footage there are a number of things that happened on that sting that could get a few people into alot of trouble.
Wonder where Braningan's hiding his page seems to have gone.
That sting is already in the hands of top people, courtesy of yours truly.
DeleteI reported it too.
DeleteI couldn't believe what i witnessed.
Looks like Brannigan must know the police are on to him he's closed down his page since he was involved in that bullying fest.
He closed it far too late as top police officers reviewed his page too.
DeleteHad a feeling scouse had something to hide as each time the police arrived at a sting he would ran off.
ReplyDeleteI never did like him he was an attention seeking idoit using the stings as 'the scouse show' egged on by the viewing public.
There's loads more like him hiding amongst the hunter and decoy community.
Sierra decoy has a bad reputation in the community she's a known cock tease leads the men on and sends them explicit photos of herself.
ReplyDeleteAs well as being a well know slag she's also a well known trouble maker many in the community have had issues with her.
She's a nasty piece of work.
She wasn't really with scouse she was just leading him on just like she's done to several others. She's needs to be kicked out the community she's a disgrace.
Sierra does need to go your right what your saying about her She's trouble.
DeleteShe's sent topless pics of herself to my inbox flirted with me and even arranged to meet but then turned it round told people i was harassing her.
What terrible parenting by this Becca/Mandy woman. Letting some transient man sleep in her house with her kids without knowing anything of his background.
ReplyDeleteOmg why does that ronnie idoit have to always stick his two pence worth in. No one gives a shit what he has to say i swear that twat thinks he's king of the community or something. he's as bad as Brannigan they are both egotistical big heads full of self importance.
ReplyDeleteI thought the same. Wanker has to always do a live after anything! He trolled me and posted me in his NAE. I was totally innocent but still no apology. I hate the bloke with a passion the scruffy bat-boy
DeleteTo be fair he appeared to say his team were being DBS checked,a thing all teams should have been doing,but won't or more can't as they have unsavoury things to hide,I think this time Ronnie was spot on to highlight the need for DBS checks and spotlight just how many teams won't be able to do them
DeleteWhen the checks come back for teams what if there is domestic violence on the sheet?
ReplyDeleteChildren who live in homes of parental violence suffer badly,its child abuse too
Ronnie Craig states his team are all getting DBS checked.
ReplyDeleteNow watch which teams hide out of sight and pretend they cant see all these DBS posts everywhere. Dont watch who is on the posts watch for which teams are not
Planet of the Apes Old Hoburn giving it large on cam again and sounds more like Jimmy Saville every day with his angry rants. Now then now then, ow's about that then, and don't ferget ter' buy me mugs yer mugs, yer get me?
ReplyDeleteAccording to Phil, anyone that questions his methods or the validity of his little merchandise operation is a troll that can go suck his balls.
Thanks for the offer Phil, but none of us are that way inclined. We always suspected you had homosexual tendencies and it truly is a wonderful thing that you are finally able to shed your macho skin and be the gay boy you were always destined to be.
We applaud you for coming out Phil (or do we call you Phyllis from now on?) and will support you when you go strutting your stuff and waving the rainbow flag down at Leeds town hall in the next Pride Parade. Put on some lipstick and high heels and camp it up Phil. You go girlfriend!
Those photo's clearly point to Gumbo being at the Centre of that sting in Hackney. Tut...tut...
ReplyDeleteThis whole thing now needs to stop. These teams are not protecting real kids so many lifes are damaged and for what some adult sat on adult dating sites and so the hunters can get facebook famous.
ReplyDeletehere is a puzzling one Chelsey was asked on live feed if she had a DBS check she said no you can google her crimes,google wouldn't show all old crimes and John Smith team leader said he won't be doing one either,why John? What crimes have you got to hide?
ReplyDeleteThen it get even better at blagging their followers and other Teams, he says he has checked Chelsey out and checked all of his eight team mates out, how if not by checks? Full blown lie to their followers and other Teams
How can he state all his team are checked out? When they are not,none of them are
First Team to publicly say they wont be doing any DBS/PNC checks 'Justice Will Be Served' what are they hiding ??
ReplyDeleteHe son b beck in the commonity eye four 1 well have him beck it dose no mater whot his done.
ReplyDeleteCheryl Capel
"Paedophile hunters admit that hunting predators weighs on their mental health"?
ReplyDeleteHaving chatted to a couple of well-known decoys, they all said they needed intensive counselling, psychotherapy, antidepressants after decoying or hunting. Many of them had gone on the internet and self-diagnosed themselves with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and were keenly looking up the symptomology.
Then a week later, the same 'nervous', 'traumatised' decoy or hunter goes out hunting again, staking out a predator's home, usually in the dark, usually late at night, confronting the predator and splashing their sting videos all over social media.
Little known fact:
Decoying / paedophile-hunting comes hand-in-hand with claims from those involved for disability benefits. This practice should be recognised by the Department for Work and Pensions for what it really is: FRAUD, from the outset.
Godiva Hunters = extremely aggressive reprobates. Need shutting down.
What gives these hunter teams the right to question anyone ?
ReplyDeleteThey have no authority.
the "suspect" being questioned has no legal representative present therefore they do not have to answer any questions.
Who do these people think they are.
I've just watched a sting by nameless (facebook link underneat your post on this page) and the officer was asking this guy to give his personal details while chav scum vigilantes were standing there with cameras live streaming it all.
DeleteThe officer didn't seem to get why the guy was reluctant to answer anything. It seems they let any old dickhead into the police force nowadays.
"Nameless" is Tillie so what do you expect? Another unstable female who needs sedating
ReplyDeleteNot so nameless Tillie lol
ReplyDeleteSierra Decoy looks angelic and all of about 14/15. What a tragedy then that her life will be nothing but a revolving door of chav losers, drawing benefits for unwated pregnacies, and a life of ironing in a council flat with a black eye.
ReplyDeleteDo you have proof of this?
DeleteShe was not abused that's bullshit its just an excuse for her to do and say what she wants.