3/2/18; QED - Truly, Gormless, Mentally-Unstable, Incorrect, Lying, Thuggery,
From Those Reprobates, Who Have Achieved, Almost, Nothing Of Worth, In Life ...
... and never will, at this rate.
Importance and Influence ... negligible.
When, Above Average, Unemployed, Unoccupied, IQs, Conflict With, Thug, Fantasist, Low-Knowledge, Dangerous, Lying, Stupidity ...https://t.co/98UoCxJPmp pic.twitter.com/aIqICt1Yfp— GhandisKongGood (@LutherKongGood1) February 2, 2018
(Embedded Tweets - click date)When, Above Average, Unemployed, Unoccupied, IQs, Conflict With, Thug, Fantasist, Low-Knowledge, Dangerous, Lying, Stupidity ... https://t.co/98UoCxJPmp ... BTW, why do you call this man, incorrectly, a Paedophile? TY pic.twitter.com/JbA9Qzs8vd— GhandisKongGood (@LutherKongGood1) February 2, 2018

3/2/18; QED - Truly, Gormless, Mentally-Unstable, Incorrect, Lying, Thuggery,
From Those Reprobates, Who Have Achieved, Almost, Nothing Of Worth, In Life ...
... and never will, at this rate.
Importance and Influence ... negligible.
Time will Heal.
This Poison will Pass.
Nature Finds a Way.
Information to therealosc@gmail.com, as usual, please.
Prologue - Sins and Sons of Stinson
Why Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends, Antis, Vigilantes And Their Aggressive Thralls, Do What They Do
There Is Now No Need (Still) For The Paedophile Hunters [Sic] To Meet Their Prey - Ever
Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends - Why They Are Pointless, Time-Wasting, Resource-Wasting, Ignorant, Hater, Fools
Tracking And Understanding, The Recent And Faltering, 'Hunter' And Follower, Pandemic, Moral Panic And Hysteria
Vigilante Paedophile [Sic] Hunting Groups In The UK Are Out Of Control
You Know It Is All Over, Go Now, With A Modicum Of Integrity
We Love, The Smell Of Inevitability, In The Afternoon
The Reasons, 'Hunters' Do Not Do, What They Should Be Doing
One More Nail, In The Coffin, Of Any Future Legal Authority
The 'Hunters' Are Restless
Not The First Time, These Simpleton Reprobates, Have Caused Conflict, Social Unrest And Public Order Issues
Slowy, But, Surely
Could Not Have Happened, To A Nastier, Guy (Well, Perhaps, A Few More, A Bit Nastier)
The Likes Of Stinson Hunter's Prey And Sex With 'Kids' - Get A Clue !!!
If you are affected, by any of the issues, raised, here ...
MAPs - you are not alone - very much, not alone ...
http://www.lucyfaithfull.org.uk - stopitnow.org.uk - circles-uk.org.uk - http://www.virped.org - http://b4uact.org - https://www.stopso.org.uk
http://preventell.se/?lang=en - http://www.nemup.de/index_eng.html - https://1in6.org - www.boychat.org - www.annabelleigh.net
http://www.thepreventionproject.org - https://www.csaprimaryprevention.org - https://medium.com/@TNF_13 - https://medium.com/@enderphile - https://medium.com/@DaywalkerVirPed - https://medium.com/pedophiles-about-pedophilia
Tor versions, available, for most downlinks.
Thank you.
Wow, such an impressive interview. Well thought out arguments and reasoning; so much information in their heads that i think the auhtorities could learn a thing or two from these Child Protection Enfrorcers - and did you see their interpersonal skills in action? Such fantastic eye contact throughout that interview. A credit to society they are; we need many more people just like this protecting our children from fiendish men on adult dating sites.
ReplyDeleteNah, not really.
What a pair of pathetic gibbons.
ReplyDeleteHas Amelia made a statement yet she’s leaving now she’s a criminal?
ReplyDeleteI can't see her leaving. Most of the hunting community are criminals. She will be in good company.
DeleteOliver Ferns in that interview what twat he made a complete arse of himself.
ReplyDeleteHe has a very colourful past and present so if he and his fat sick kick are representing the hunting community i don't hold out much hope for it.
Notice how when there are asked how they set up a decoy account they always say on an app...very misleading why don't they be honest and addmit they set decoys up on adult dating sites.
ReplyDeleteThe whole interview was a joke.
Nathan bullied and harassed me for ages and got his trolls to do the same he's a nasty piece of work who picks on women.
ReplyDeletehe only feels safe to start on men when he's got a gang behind him. i don't care im going to out my name i don't need to hide behind an anonymous. I have no shame in saying my piece and the People that know me know that. People need to know what he's like.
Lisa Min Jones
Did you see Chris Wittwers post and the replies?
DeleteLook what he did to Ann tiley. Following a post she put up of her being in a&e he didn’t believe her so he rang her local hospital. What’s it to him if she was lying or not
DeleteWho's Ann Tiley ? Can't say ive ever come across that name before.
DeleteIm fuming with Jewell and has trolls trying to bully Nigel again when are these brain dead thugs going to leave this educated respected man alone.
his offense was so long ago they need to get over it. Never known such jealous people.
Im sure there jealous because he has an extremely beautiful looking partner.
I agree they need to leave Nigel out of there rubbish.
DeleteLmao Lisa min Jones poor you sad twat getting a taste of what you give out you bullied and trolled me online so bad with your "friends" i wanted to end my life because the bullying you and them did, glad karma has finally found you
DeleteAnn Tilly she was in a sextual thing with Gary shields aka Danny Hurst was a decoy at some point not her real name etc old and easy was ann. Chelsea capely the thick divvy had something to do with out her, maybe you need to spend more time learning to spell than sticking your big nose in everyone's business
DeleteLisa min jones gossips. Vile human
DeleteThe click has slowly broken up...
DeleteSarah Williamson, chels chapel, Ann Tilly...
It won’t be the same without their regular DJ nights
Tills was a mental case who used illnes an death to get dickheads men runnin ova bit like Mel shes always killin herself these 2 were in competitoin who cud die the most
DeleteSerously this not lisa min Jones some one is macking out to be her not her comments
ReplyDeleteStop with your billy bull crap Miss iterate Capel.
DeleteWe all know the truth.
You still haven't learnt to spell yet i see.
Some thing's never change.
Well look what we have here the biggest nasty troll and grass ever Cheryl Capel.
DeleteWhy are you here posting on this blog ?
You have caused so much drama and upset for so many ppl you have told so many lies Capel your are a disgrace.
Chelsea capely not only a troll be appears to be transphobic refering to Chelsey harwood as "it" no matter how annoying and how shit of a hunter/decoy she is she is female not an "IT" no doubt you will start a hate campaign if you haven't already done so. Shame you falling downstairs yesterday didn't knock some sense into you
DeleteOmg im so angry who does that Sharon Osborne woman think she is saying that shit about Nigel how dare she threaten him.
ReplyDeleteShe needs to watch her gob.
Nigel is more respected and has more integrity than all those vigalente bullies.
I used to like James Jewell but ive lost all respect for him he's got too big for his boots he has to remember his name wasn't even known a few months ago in fact
ReplyDeleteDr Oldfield was more well known than him now he thinks he's adored by the public just because he has a few thousand idoits that can't tell the difference between real and fake kids.
James Jewel will be jumping for joy at being feathered on this blog.
ReplyDeleteMost of the hunters and decoys would love a spot on here for there chance to get a bit of recognition when ever they find out they've been featured they post the link and talk about it non stop.
And these are the same people that say they don't do it for the 'fame'
I noticed that too how they seem to get a kick out of being mentioned on this blog.
ReplyDeleteHypercrits they all are. Hate Oldfield but come to write on his blog!