Another Nail
Making, Quite, A Name
Making, Quite, A Name
... and on and on and on ...
Gormless, Socially-Toxic, Fantasist, Hypocrite
Irony? No, Hypocrisy.
We quite like, the, in-bred, simpleton, lads ... not too aggressive, short videos, same, golden, outcome.
Then, the bad outcome, which is the same, for all vigilante groups; social toxicity, intolerance, damage and harm.
You are, all, the same.
Information to, as usual, please.
Prologue - Sins and Sons of Stinson
Why Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends, Antis, Vigilantes And Their Aggressive Thralls, Do What They Do
There Is Now No Need (Still) For The Paedophile Hunters [Sic] To Meet Their Prey - Ever
Paedophile Hunters [Sic] And Their Friends - Why They Are Pointless, Time-Wasting, Resource-Wasting, Ignorant, Hater, Fools
Tracking And Understanding, The Recent And Faltering, 'Hunter' And Follower, Pandemic, Moral Panic And Hysteria
Vigilante Paedophile [Sic] Hunting Groups In The UK Are Out Of Control
You Know It Is All Over, Go Now, With A Modicum Of Integrity
We Love, The Smell Of Inevitability, In The Afternoon
The Reasons, 'Hunters' Do Not Do, What They Should Be Doing
One More Nail, In The Coffin, Of Any Future Legal Authority
The 'Hunters' Are Restless
Not The First Time, These Simpleton Reprobates, Have Caused Conflict, Social Unrest And Public Order Issues
Slowy, But, Surely
Could Not Have Happened, To A Nastier, Guy (Well, Perhaps, A Few More, A Bit Nastier)
The Likes Of Stinson Hunter's Prey And Sex With 'Kids' - Get A Clue !!!
If you are affected, by any of the issues, raised, here ...
MAPs - you are not alone - very much, not alone ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tor versions, available, for most downlinks.
Thank you.
Excellent,more really out of control hunters to speed up regulation.
ReplyDeleteRegulation that's going to wipe out most of the shit people in one big swoop.
We should just adopt the Irish approach of making decoying illegal. Brutal punishments for any groups that forge ahead anyway.
DeleteThat was horrific. Can't believe people act like that in a so called civilised soceity.
ReplyDeleteCan only imagine the fear and anxiety the poor tenants must be feeling.
There was children also present witnessing that behavior no wonder kids today are out of control with those sort of role model's.
It didn’t take long for gullible followers of these vigilante pages to speculate that this particular hunting team are a ‘plant’ by the authorities.
ReplyDeleteIt’s as if they don’t recognise that most of these vigilantes are knuckle draggers. One guy even claimed the media were already there; all I saw was camera phones in the hands of chavs.
The sheep are clutching at straws with their lizard people theories.
Knuckle dragger i love that word.
DeleteYes your right all i saw were gangs of chavs and there scruffy looking kids with camera phones out screaming and shouting.
These public order offences are incited by the hunters. The hunters need to start coughing up the massive expense.
ReplyDeletebtw please could you post up photos of the people behind Hull Child Protectors.
No doubt this will all be regulated and banned very shortly. Meanwhile, these same people will then froth and spit saying we have a "nonce-protecting" government who "don't care about kids" etc.
ReplyDeleteThis has happened as direct result of Hunters regardless of weather the evidence is handed to police or not its the hunters that encourage this behavior by exposing the accused to public.
ReplyDeleteThe actical in the paper says that the vigalente hunters got it wrong there was sexual grooming. No wonder these people didn't want the police involved they were just setting innocent men up and this is the outcome.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the powers that be will stop groups like these from operating they have to do something.
DeleteAll the other hunting teams that claim to do this 'the correct way' there is no correct way this sort of thing can happen regardless if the police are called or not if you expose a suspect and accuse them of on line grooming then this is what can does happen. So for the teams up on there high horses saying there way is the best or correct way shut up.
ReplyDeleteThis team are confusing they state on their post the police go visit the 'nonce' day after the sting.If this is truth and they have to call or go in station to organise it why not just call on the night of the sting? Kind of iffy explanations going on
ReplyDeleteBut we can hope they can now see what their methods cause and why others were attempting to advise them different
Or better still, just hand an evidence pack to police and don't bother videoing people for 'entertainent purposes' and 'self-glorfication' at all.
DeleteHull Child Protectors put the chat log up on there page (its been deleted now) At no point was there any sexaul communication just general chit chat about films etc.
ReplyDeleteIt was was infact the decoy that asks to meet up.
So now this man and his family's lifes are destroyed the home that they lived in vandalised.
Someone has to answer for this.
If the decoy arranged the meet, then the whole case will be binned and the alleged offender has nothing to worry about.
DeleteThey ask wether they will be doin sex things then say no point meetin if they not those logs are crap
DeleteAlleged offender has nothing to worry about you say ? Are you for real he will always have that paedo tag hanging over him due to being wrongly exposed his life has been ruined it will never be the same again.
DeleteSeen that Ollie Ferns doing a sting with Justice for the innocent earlier in his local area. Bragging about how well respected he is. i live in the same area and i know for a fact no one respects him we all hate him he's a laughing stock im not denying he's well known but he defo aint well liked. We don't like woman beaters round here.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why people haven't gone for him over the woman beating alligation like they did Darren minto both as bad as each other Nathan should be treated the same way. He's a big headed dimwit the same as Minto. Has the baby been adopted by Kelly's parents yet? Darren can deny it all he wants but Kelly's father slipped up on Facebook a few times mentioning it once a liar always a liar.
Im surprised Nathan hasn't had more of a backlash from the hunting community for the woman beating i know Darren did in fact it was Nathan that was behind the hate campaign against Darren yet the hypocrite was doing the same if not worse the whole hunting community are a bunch of two faced back stabbers. None of them can stand Nathan yet they lick his arse.
DeleteDonna M Bugg
They probs scared donna mate he's gone for me before has nathaN threatening to come to my house even went as far as finding about my past the lot, he's dangerous needs putting in a mental place him and his trolls
He's a prick ive had dealings with him too. But i actually live near him he is not all he makes himself out to be there was a stage when he was to afraid to leave his house without looking over his shoulder and for good reason.
DeleteChris Whittwer is gunning for him
DeleteSaw a post up asking why wife beaters are allowed back in as Hunter's
To MB.
DeleteAs far as I’m aware the adoption is still happening. Kelly’s father was told not to post pictures of the baby on Facebook because it would affect the case.
Please don’t tell me kelly stayed with Minto hence why they couldn’t keep the baby?!
Same should happen with Nathan. He shouldn’t be allowed around his kids, the kids who witness violence to their mother. Don’t people realise what this does to kids when they grow up!
Re: ''Rather shy''
ReplyDeleteAnother fat vigilante prick dressed in chav clothes from Sports Direct.
''Imagine my shock.''
24/7 going down the 'it must be a plant' conspiracy theory route I see.
ReplyDeleteThey ask (in that screen shot above) how these stories get into the local paper so quick, which once again, shows these vigilntes know sweet f.a. about the world around them.
How it works is this. Local reporters ring through to police, ambulance and fire services control rooms on a regular (daily with the police) basis. They ask to speak to the duty inspector and get the scoop on any latest stories worthy of printing. That's how it works.
For the final time. There are no cover ups of the Hampstead Satanic abuse enquiry,
There are no lizard people, and the earth is not flat.
Now stop 'creating offenders' by putting decoys on adult dating sites. You all know full well that no real children exist on, or have been saved by using adult sites to catfish lonely men - so stop wasting the police's valuable time and resources - and stop wastin the taxpayer's money as a result.
Get a real job (instead of monetising the subject child abuse by getting gullible parents to fund you) and a life you benefits scrounging wasters.
I just had a quick skim over that 2 hour Wittwer recording.
ReplyDeleteThat bloke talks completely out of his arse. He claims that the men they are catching, 'must be talking to real children.' He has no facts or evidence to back up such claims.
Only are very rare occassions has someone come forward to say the suspect in question has also talked to real children. I'd be generous in estimating that figure to be as much as 10% as it's probably less than 5% of all sting in the last decade. The majority of these men are first time offenders that simply made the bad decision to continue a conversation with an underage decoy on an adult dating site. The authorities need to stop these idiots from setting men up for a fall in the manner.
Wittwer is a gobshite wanker with no credibility to back up his mouth. I'm also dubious about his recent claim (to the press) that he is a survivor himself. He's been around for at least a decade with his 'UK Database' and, unlike many other 'hunters' and 'decoys,' has never once mentioned this before in the early days of his 'online persona.' All the others stated pretty quickly that they were victims of abuse themselves.
Until he provides concrete evidence, I'm calling him a liar, as well as a zero facts bullshit artist.
It makes me laugh listening to Wittwer wittering on about saving real kids mate you haven't saved any real kids get over it. I don't believe he's been abused either seems strange why he only talks about it now yet he's been around years and has never mentioned it before. He has got a weird obbsesion with sexual offenders though.
DeleteHopefully after this tragedy the authority's will shut all the vigalente hunter teams down.
ReplyDeleteChelsey Harwood - complete and utter fool as usual.
ReplyDeleteSting done on an 18 year old, talking to what he was thought was a 15 year old for 'an hour.'
She streams this extremely low risk person live and tells him '100,000 people are watching.'
When I was his age, it was not uncommon for 14/15 year old females to have boyfriends aged anyhwere between 16/19 or maybe even 20 - with the full knowledge and approval of their parents.
Have things changed that much that an 18 year old is now classed as a preddator for chatting to someone (briefly) to someone only 3 years his junior?
I'll just add this rather important information for any thick people readin this (vigilantes etc...)
''Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.[1][2] Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12,[3] criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.[1] A person who is diagnosed with pedophilia must be at least 16 years old, and at least five years older than the prepubescent child, for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia.[1][2]''
Dear Anonymous,
DeleteNow called P Disorder (DSM 5, soon to be, ICD 11).
P, is, only, the persistent attraction and is not a disorder/illness/sickness; never has been, alone.
The OSC.
Wasn't rob hunter/darren minto in a relationship with a 15 year old school girl when he was 20? Sure he said that on one of his many boring driving lives
DeleteAnother team condemning Chelsey Harwood for stinging an 18 year old. Hopefully, this will another nail in the coffin when the authorities find out this guy went on an adult site and talked for only 1 hour to a '15 year old.'
How bloody ridiculous was Chelseys sting. The guy was chatting for an hour to someone only 3 years younger than himself. When i was 15 i had partner's in there late teens early 20's.
ReplyDeleteIt's not just Chelsey who has stung and branded 18 and 19 year old 'paedos' by posting them on live streams though is it?????
ReplyDeleteThat is correct. I’ve seen 18/19 year olds being sting before. A guy called Matt Chapman even did a sting on a 16 year old.
DeleteI don't know why the people are making such a fuss over Chelseys sting ive seen loads of teams sting 18/19yr olds and no one slates them. They are all as bad as each other. But some teams like to play the high and mighty card.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Tyson getting himself involed slagging Chelsey off on her live.
ReplyDeleteWhat's it got to do with him.
he didn't slag Jay Hunts or any of the other teams when they sting teenagers.
Im still waiting for the prat to run me over he can't even find me let alone run me down ha ha
Donna M Marsh. AKA Bugg
Tyson is bessie mate with Interceptors. He's also extremely thick.
DeleteI know he crawls there arse.
DeleteNot only was he threating to run me over he also was threating to come after my partner too he put a photo of him on his own page and hunters 25/8 page to find out our address. We are still waiting for him to come
But he's won't because he's full of shit lol.
Donna M Marsh.
Tyson is up julies arse via Katie Astley except tysons rant backfired as chelseys lets out tysons teams stuff is muddy waters and keep it zipped from attacking her or she will spill
DeleteWhy are people posting shit in Donnas name it’s a bit stupid put her name on the and like that’s not a set up���� plus she don’t comment on this blog anyway so keep trying
ReplyDeleteIs that right ??? but you do...says it all really...Hmmm
Delete‼️I’m still angry they came to my house I’m disabled and they treat me like that Gordon is s twat and I’m not done with him I have all his information‼️
ReplyDeleteThis isn’t how that lady comments.
DeleteWhy has trolls made it here. It was the only place to post without any drama, being blocked or outted
I see the trolling in the community has even made its way over here. Grow up idiots! Posting with other people’s names at the end, putting their lives at risk
ReplyDeleteHow is anyones life at
Deleterisk ?? Seriously !!!
Get a grip of yourself.
Haven’t you seen addresses posted etc etc etc doors being knocked on, leading to trolls threatening???? Where have you been hiding
DeleteYes i have but to say people's lives are at risk is taking it to the extreme. Even if the Hunters come to someone's address once you call the police on them they will be gone. We've seen what happens when you play the Hunters at there own games they run away.
ReplyDeleteYes. Let's not forget how they scurried away when the police responded to Oldfield's address being targeted.
DeleteScummy little rats is all they are.
They put your details out there. People are known to have death threats etc etc etc it’s not a nice experience living their lives on edge and in fear.
DeleteIt’s wrong to post using other people’s names.
Who's fearful of the hunters ? Give over we all know there a bunch of frightened rats when the tables turn and they get confronted.
ReplyDeleteThey can't go anywhere alone they have to go in gangs.
The hunters don’t do it themselves. They post details under fake profiles so trolls do their dirty work