Published: 1 hr ago
It’s time to close the web on perverts [offensive and inflammatory] — by restricting net use
"Call for internet ban
Restrictions ... call for internet ban
"FOR years we have been campaigning [whining] for an automatic ban on internet use by those placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register [sure, that is going to happen ... oh, wait, it does, under SOPOs, where relevant !!!].
If the offenders have a legitimate [sic] need to use the internet then they should have to prove it [giggle] and be monitored in their restricted use of it.
Now, from California, comes a step in the right direction [apparently not].
They have recently passed a new law — Proposition 35 — which requires registered sex offenders to inform the authorities of their email addresses, user names, screen names and any other internet handles, and report any additions or changes to their internet use within 24 hours.
Sadly, the law was immediately challenged by campaigners who claim it should not apply to those whose offences were not connected to the internet, and a federal judge has issued a temporary order putting the law on hold."
Oh, but look, Federal Judge Thelton Henderson has quashed it, completely ...
Friday, January 11, 2013
Judge blocks sex offender online-ID law
"A federal judge on Friday barred California from enforcing a voter-approved law that requires 73,000 registered sex offenders to disclose their Internet identities to police.
The requirement would discourage offenders from exercising their right to post anonymous comments online about a variety of topics, including social and political issues, with little apparent benefit to public safety, said U.S. District Judge Thelton Henderson of San Francisco.
"Registrants are likely to be chilled from engaging in legitimate public, political and civil communications for fear of losing their anonymity," Henderson said."
Are you able to read and understand why? Keep up with current affairs, you dopes. [not]
Not to mention (oh, go on then) ...
August 12, 2011
Full internet ban for sex offenders ruled unlawful
"Regina v Smith & Others [2011] EWCA Crim 1772
In a detailed judgment, the Court of Appeal has emphasised the importance of a sentencing court considering whether making a Sexual Offences Prevention Order is necessary and, if so, tightly drafting its terms to be proportionate and not oppressive".
Now back to the C'P'I Profit Consortium ...

As for you, Jim, stop pretending that you have not retired (were retired?), and accept that you are just one more, morally-dubious, failed, copper, who, even though he had it all on a plate, still fucked it up ... contributing to deaths and the destruction of families and lives; you have done more than enough serious harm - time to let it go.
No one cares what you think, anymore (if they ever really did) - no one who matters.
No one cares what you think, anymore (if they ever really did) - no one who matters.
As for the harassment of, and attack on, Mr Smith, it will not be forgotten.
Addendum (20/1/13): 16:24
Looks like Jim has a buddy in @LordTobySays ...
Toby Harris, Baron Harris of Haringey
Lord Toby Harris
... and what is Toby's angle ...
Why does the Government care so much about the freedoms of the would-be terrorist, the manipulative paedophile and the serial rapist?
What a surprise. We shall be following this relationship, with some interest.
Addendum (21/1/13): 11:28
No surprises there, of course.
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