Friday 11 January 2013

We Cannot Wait To Tear This To Pieces - Turns Out, It Illustrates Its Own 'Quality'

January 2013

"Mass hysteria, ambulance-chasing lawyers, professional victims, false memories, vested interests - charities, media and others, backwatching and protection, police/political PR, defamation of a dead, good, man.

That is the valid evidence, all else is dubious allegation.



The Report - Giving Victims [sic] a Voice   Giving Victims [sic] a Voice

"11. Concluding remarks

11.1 From the information provided by the hundreds of people who have come
forward to Operation Yewtree, police and the NSPCC have concluded that Jimmy
Savile was one of the UK’s most prolific known sexual predators
. Indeed the formal
of allegations of crime
[sic] on this scale is, to the best of our knowledge,
unprecedented in the UK. [and that is all you have to know, about the 'judgment' and corrupt, disinforming, mentality and practices of these people]

Detective Superintendent David Gray MPS Paedophile [sic] Unit
Peter Watt Director of Child Protection Advice & Awareness NSPCC"

ACPO is no better, of course ...

11 Jan 2013

Media Centre Home > Press Releases: ACPO response to Jimmy Savile reports

"The lessons of these disclosures reinforce the importance of the work the police service has done to increase our focus on supporting victims [sic] and survivors of [sic] sexual offences, whether they are children or adults

ACPO lead on violence and public protection Chief Constable David Whatton said:

“The case of Jimmy Savile reveals a terrible example of sustained abuse [sic] by a manipulative individual [sic] exploiting a position of power over the vulnerable [sic]. Allegations of abuse made long after the event are important – they are not ‘historic’ for victims who may be living with consequences every day. The police service is committed to ensuring victims [sic] are supported and have access to justice. It is equally committed to pursuing offenders, many of whom, like Savile [sic], will offend time and again unless stopped."

"Breaking News 

Peter Watt, NSPCC director of child protection advice and awareness, who co-authored the Giving Victims a Voice report, says the scale of Savile's abuse [sic] "simply beggared belief"" [indeed, little more need be said, need it, Peter?]

"1038: Clive Coleman BBC News legal correspondent ...

... says he believes the police/NSPC report was "written from the heart", because it details how the authorities were not doing their job properly [sic] during all the years Savile carried out his abuse [sic]." [certainly not from the rational head, but, do not underestimate the level of their deceit]


Live: Jimmy Savile report

Jimmy Savile reports - live blog 


11 January 2013 Last updated at 03:58

Jimmy Savile scandal: Police to publish inquiry report

"Jimmy Savile Sexual abuse allegations against Jimmy Savile emerged a year after his death

The scale of sexual offending [alleged] carried out by Jimmy Savile will be set out later in a joint report by the Metropolitan Police and the NSPCC [the bastions of balanced analysis - not].

Revelations that Savile had [allegedly] sexually abused girls prompted hundreds of other victims [no] to come forward.

These included those who said they were attacked on BBC premises.

The report is expected to reveal that Savile's [alleged] abuse extended to many hospitals, and that he allegedly assaulted someone at a hospice.

The television presenter died at the age of 84 in October 2011, a year before allegations emerged in an ITV documentary.

Historical abuse

Friday's report, called Giving Victims a Voice [sic], will set out what Scotland Yard and the NSPCC have discovered [sic] about Jimmy Savile since they launched the inquiry - Operation Yewtree - three months ago.

By mid-December, police had recorded almost 200 allegations against him including 31 rapes, following information from 450 victims."

Jimmy Savile 'Abused Dying Hospice Patients'

500 children abused by Jimmy Savile, say cops

Jimmy Savile assaulted children as young as 10, report reveals

Moira 'Killer' Abused On 'Same Scale As Savile'

Jimmy Savile scandal: Report reveals decades of abuse

Reaction: Jimmy Savile report

Predator Savile ‘groomed the nation’

Jimmy Savile scandal: Chances to prosecute 'were missed'

DPP statement on Savile cases 

January 2013

In the matter of the late Jimmy Savile: Report to the Director of Public Prosecutions by Alison Levitt Q.C.

"The expression “complainant” is inappropriate in the circumstances of this case. Where I have described the women as “victims” this is for the sake of convenience; I of course acknowledge that these allegations have not been proved to the criminal standard."

Full report


January 11, 2013

Who Let the Dogs Out?

"‘Cry Havoc’ was originally a military rallying call to the victorious troops to collect the spoils of war, to plunder the treasures of the defeated. In a few minutes I expect to start wading through the ‘Yew-tree’ report, which I confidently expect to be a rallying call for the massed armies of lawyers out there to start plundering the tax payers for £13,000 a piece to sooth the ruffled feathers of those whose allegations of how they were ‘groomed’ – in five minutes flat! – to become a victim of a celebrity, 40 years ago.

It really matters not one jot, the ultimate fate of those who have been charged under the ‘Savile investigation ‘others’ tag – they will be forever tarred as associates of ‘the most prolific paedophile’ the media have ever gorged upon. When, hopefully, they are found not guilty, it will receive as little publicity as has the writing of Darren Laverty, or the other ‘non-victim’ who wrote to me the other night to tell me of the numerous attempts she had made to interest the media in the story of how as a child she had known Savile well, and spent many hours alone with him in Leeds – only to be unmolested by him, to this day…no takers. Not one media outlet interested in printing the story. The truth is being sadly suppressed.

Who let the dogs out? The Feminists. They win. If I was the Mother of a white middle class teenage son in Britain today, I would move heaven and earth to see him emigrate - just about anywhere."

January 11, 2013 

Are the British really a nation of sex offenders? 

"After the report into the apparent sexual offending of Jimmy Savile, the Director of Public Prosecutions, Kier Starmer, has effectively announced that the prosecution of those accused of sexual offences against children is to be made even easier by further lowering the bar – or ’level of proof’ – required before police can be authorised to charge alleged offenders.

If the charities are to be believed, Britain seems to be a nation of perverts – but rather than the British really being pre-disposed to sexual offending, is it actually the law which is wrong?

The DPP, deeply embarrassed at failings within the Crown Prosecution Service’s handling of allegations against Savile, has been forced to respond to the joint investigation by police and the statutorily gifted NSPCC into the now dead BBC presenter."

January 11, 2013

Nonce Sense

"Sky news just on – report by NSPCC reveals ‘full extent of Savile’s offending’ and Police missed ‘at least three opportunities’ to charge him. Sylvia Edwards just being interviewed – the girl who alleged that film of the final episode of Top of the Pops shows him groping her bottom – an event which she says has ruined her entire life….

And apparently ‘he struck at Duncroft School at least 11 times’….and Savile was ‘unchallenged by Police’. Interviewed under caution over an incident where the alleged victim declined to give a statement is NOT unchallenged.

Cobblers! I am ashamed to be British tonight."

Friday, 11 January, 2013

Savile: sound and fury, but signifying what?

"Followers of Heretic TOC hardly need to be told “Don’t believe everything you read in the papers”. What is worth pointing out, though, is that there are good reasons not to believe everything – and perhaps hardly anything – in the joint police and NSPCC report into allegations of sexual abuse made against Jimmy Savile out with an almighty, nation-blasting, media-saturating, fanfare in Britain today.

I have not yet read the report, Giving Victims A Voice, but the title alone gives grounds for scepticism: Savile, lest anyone forget, died without facing trial. He is no longer around to defend himself and none of the allegations have been tested through cross-examination in court.

Jimmy Savile report: Abuse victims to seek compensation [really?]

NSPCC launches media campaign in wake of Savile report [really?] 

The [defaming] Brum lecturer [?] who unmasked twisted [sic] Jimmy Savile

Why wasn't he caught? Investigator who nailed Jimmy Savile attacks prosecutors

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