Wednesday 1 August 2012

Sexuality and 'Rape'

Sunday 29 July 2012 13.05 BST

Who is a rapist?

"Men who rape can look and act like everyone else, almost right up until they start raping, as confessions on Reddit reveal

Who is a rapist? That's a question our societies began to struggle with as far back as when we determined that women had the right to refuse sex.

More often than not, we just say who isn't a rapist. Deuteronomy says he's not a rapist if you didn't scream. Some judicial systems say he's not a rapist if he's your husband, and increasingly few say he's not if he marries you right after. Cops, prosecutors, juries and members of the public who eventually get called to serve on them have myriad of unwritten rules about who isn't a rapist: famous men, men whom you kissed that night, men with whom you (or anyone) previously had consensual sex, men who were going to pay you for it, men who are "too attractive" to have to resort to coercion, men who didn't have weapons, men who haven't ever raped anyone else and seem too old to start now … and the list goes on."  

Reddit's had a few threads about sexual assault victims, but are there any redditors from the other side of the story? What were your motivations? Do you regret it?

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