Wednesday 21 November 2012

Legitimate Paedophilia - It's That Man Again

1 hour ago

Have Cartoons Legitimised Paedophilia in Japan?

"Last month I went to the London Comic Con convention at the Excel centre. If you're not familiar with the concept of Comic Con, then you haven't been reading VICE for the last year or so and you probably don't know what Leonardo Di Caprio or techno music are either, so the whole thing might be a bit lost on you. But, to give you a quick run-through, they're essentially a series of events in cities around the world where people who are into fantasy, video games and basically anything Japanese gather together to dress up as their favourite fictional characters and wear calculator watches from the 90s so they can add up all the new friends they're making."

“It’s important to remember that sexually abusive behaviour [weasel term] can be pretty addictive and habitual," says Jon Brown at the NSPCC. "A basic sexual drive in humans is very hard-wired – it’s very deep in the human brain, along with the desire to eat and seek shelter. When that kind of sexual interest becomes hard-wired to an interest in children, it can be quite difficult to alter.

“Where there's a sexual interest in children, offenders generally know it’s wrong [moral issue, no law, no issue] and have to go through a series of cognitive distortions and mental gymnastics to convince themselves, one way or another, that what they’re doing isn’t so harmful [perhaps, because it rarely is, Jon, evidentially? Who really has the cognitive distortions etc, Jon?]. One way that they'll do that is to use child abuse imagery online, thinking they’re not actually abusing a child, they’re just looking at it – either an animated image or a picture. And, of course, they’re correct [damn right, correct], but our concern at the NSPCC is that it’s the perpetuation of that belief system [the what? read what you said, above] that's damaging for the offenders themselves [bless you]. It can further reinforce their thoughts of sexual interest in children [how?]. It’s not actively abusing a child [damn right], but it perpetuates that kind of mindset [the what? read what you said, above] and the thinking in some way that the behaviour is OK [moral issue, no law, no issue].

“If there's a whole society or community that is implicitly saying that the viewing of sexualised images of children – or worse than that; of children being sexually harmed [straw man Jon ... naughty, naughty] – is in some way OK, then that becomes a pretty strong message. For some people, that's going to seem like the encouragement they need to go further and actually physically abuse children. [always happened, always will, Jon - sexual libertines do not need your 'OK' (or ours) and you said why, above]"

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