Sunday 24 March 2013

Better Get Working It, Then, Girls

Sunday 17 Mar 2013 11:35 am

Girls ‘being pressured to look like porn stars’ by boys growing up on pornography

"Pressure: Girls feel like they have to resemble porn stars [yuk]

Girls are under increasing pressure to look like porn stars due to the negative impact pornography has had on boys’ idea of what the opposite sex should look like, it has been claimed.

Young women are trying to live up to unattainable ideals of boys who want their girlfriends to look like XXX stars, Helen Porter, a member of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), argued.

‘The desirable body image has become more extreme, they are all trying to have a narrow waist, long, slim legs and big boobs. That’s the desirable thing,’ she said."

Girls 'feel under pressure to look like porn stars': Teacher urges MPs to tackle online filth [what?]

">Teacher at girls school said desirable body image has become 'extreme'
>Young girls are rated on looks and given scores out of ten by peers, she said
>Policies needed on sexual activity between pupils and sex acts in school"

Schoolgirls want porn star looks, teachers told

Pornography in schools: Warn pupils of the dangers [sic], says teacher

Train us to deliver lessons on dangers [sic] of pornography, demand teachers

Young children becoming 'desensitised to pornography' [i.e. learning how to be more effective sexual beings]

Pupils 'should be taught about risks [sic] of pornography'

Amazon Still Featuring Porn as "Teen Books for Girls"

Girls as young as 12 having bikini waxes and vajazzling in pressure to look like porn stars

Girls of 13 pressured [sic] to pose for home-made blue movies: Teachers warn pornography is becoming part of everyday life [!]

‘Teenagers know porn isn’t real – but they still need decent sex education’ 

Porn and pressure: the teen sex scene


ATL Conference 2013 

" 25 The effect of pornography on pupils - carried


THAT Conference is very concerned about the effect that readily available pornography is having on children and asks the Executive Committee to:

(i) conduct a survey of members to investigate the problem

(ii) produce guidance for members on how best to deal with sexting and other consequences of pupils' exposure to pornography, and how to proceed when discovering sexual activity taking place on education premises

(iii) consider working with other unions or professional associations to provide training for members on how to deliver age appropriate SRE lessons on the dangers of pornography.

Proposer: Helen Porter, St Gabriel's School, Newbury Seconder: Seconder: James Schlackman, Crosfields School, Reading"

St Gabriel's Indepedent Day School For Girls

"Helen Porter, a science teacher at St Gabriel's School, Newbury, Berks"


TODAY10:53a.m. EDT April 1, 2013

Study: Sexual activity is rare among young adolescents

"Contrary to popular belief [?], sexual activity among very young adolescents is not more prevalent today than in the past, says a report in Pediatrics magazine.

The study also finds that sex among the same group is frequently involuntary.

In spite of public perception, sexual activity is exceedingly rare among the youngest adolescents, ages 10 to 12, a new report shows. Among older teens, however, sexual activity remains common."

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