Saturday, 12 January 2013

Far Too Complex For Repulsive Cameron

9:32am UK, Friday 11 January 2013

Cameron Rejects Making Age Of Consent 14

"The Prime Minister rules out a suggestion to lower the age of consent, which has been 16 since 1875.

David Cameron has dismissed the idea, floated by the Number 10 policy unit

David Cameron has rejected as "repulsive" a suggestion by officials that the age of sexual consent in Britain might be relaxed from 16 to 14.

The change was among ideas floated by the Number 10 policy unit after being asked to come up with new ways of giving the public more personal freedoms in everyday life."

Peter Tatchell: The UK should look at lowering the age of consent to 14

"The Number 10 Policy Unit recently proposed a reduction in the age of consent to 14.

It was dismissed by David Cameron.

Peter Tatchell and Jules Hillier of Brook, the youth advice centre, discussed the proposal on BBC Woman’s Hour. Both opposed the criminalisation of consenting relations between under-16s of similar ages. Peter Tatchell sets out reasons why consideration should be given to reducing the age of consent – providing it is accompanied by earlier, better quality sex and relationship education."

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