More Progress - Excellent
CC Simon Bailey @CCNorfolkPolice
Police chief: 'Non-contact' paedophiles should be treated, not prosecuted
— ITV News (@itvnews) December 5, 2014
@simgiran @itvnews @ACPO #SimonBailey Good start, not good enough ...
— The OSC (@OSC______P) December 5, 2014
@itvnews Those terms aren't the same at all. Paedophiles are people with sexual orientation to prepubescent children.
— Šimon Falko (@simgiran) December 5, 2014
@itvnews Paedophiles don't have to sexually abuse children or view abusive images of children.
— Šimon Falko (@simgiran) December 5, 2014
@itvnews And a lot of people who sexually abuse children or who view child abuse images aren't paedophiles.
— Šimon Falko (@simgiran) December 5, 2014
Top cop says paedos who only view pics shouldn't be treated as criminals:
— The Sun (@TheSunNewspaper) December 5, 2014
Bailey bases his belief on academic research which says that many
people viewing child abuse images do not go on to physical touch...
— Sonia Poulton (@SoniaPoulton) December 5, 2014
Top police officer: many viewing child abuse images should be treated on NHS via @guardian
— Richard Blaber (@RichardBlaber) December 5, 2014
@JimGamble_INEQE what do you make of Simon Bailey's comments? Effectively decriminalising viewing child abuse images? @DailyMirror
— Rockpool (@rockpool8) December 5, 2014
@JimGamble_INEQE Some will suggest that a small % will commit a contact offence.I don't like to play that lottery with a child's life #rtept
— Fiona Jennings (@FMJennings) December 4, 2014
@FMJennings @JimGamble_INEQE What do you think the point of the help is? -
— The OSC (@OSC______P) December 5, 2014
@marionste @FMJennings the point is abt people who look at child abuse images & whether all or a few hv or will commit contact offences
— Jim Gamble (@JimGamble_INEQE) December 5, 2014
Viewing #ChildAbuseImages commits a #CriminalOffence. If u don't want to be a criminal get help b4 u commit a crime or b prepared 2do time
— Jim Gamble (@JimGamble_INEQE) December 5, 2014
@JimGamble_INEQE @IanMcFadyen1966 Incorrect, making and possessing etc are - viewing, as the only action, is not.
— The OSC (@OSC______P) December 6, 2014
Officer says those who view child porn but do not abuse children should be helped by NHS
— Daily Mail U.K. (@DailyMailUK) December 5, 2014
Give child abuse viewers medical help, not prison terms, says police chief
— The Independent (@Independent) December 6, 2014
(Embedded tweets - click date) *****
5 December 2014 at 5:36am
Police chief: 'Non-contact' paedophiles [sic] should be treated, not prosecuted
Dec 05, 2014 07:48
Perverts [offensive and inflammatory] who view child sex images [sic] online 'should be HELPED not prosecuted' says top policeman
Friday 5 December 2014
Top police officer: many viewing child abuse images [sic] should be treated on NHS
December 05, 2014 5:46PM
UK cop wants child porn viewers counselled
Published: 18 minutes ago (5/12/14; 12:13)
Top cop: Help paedos [sic] who only look at pics
1 hour 43 minutes ago (5/12/14; 13:16)
Child sex image [sic] viewers 'need help'
">Chief constable Simon Bailey has suggested alternative to punishment,
>Claims at least half of those looking at images pose no threat to children,
>He says mental health services should work with those offenders instead,
>NSPCC say people who view child abuse images are a threat to children,
>Police have database of 50,000 people who have viewed child sex images."
1:45PM GMT 05 Dec 2014
Half of paedophiles [sic] 'need medical help' and not jail, says chief constable
6 December 2014 Last updated at 08:01
Child abuse viewers [sic] need medical help - police chief
Friday, December 5, 2014
Some people viewing online child sex images [sic] should receive treatment rather than face court - Norfolk police chief
Published time: December 05, 2014 14:58; Edited time: December 05, 2014 21:20
Child porn possessors to be medically treated [sic], not punished – UK police overwhelmed
22:22 05.12.2014 (updated 22:32 05.12.2014)
Not Everyone Who Looks At Child Porn Should Face Prison: British Policeman
5th December 2014, 08:15
Norfolk: Chief Constable Calls For Health Care For Paedophiles [sic]
Now the logically-disabled zealots and ignorant, lie, smear and disinform ...
Shy Keenan @ShyKeenan
Norfolk Police's Simon
Bailey says viewing indecent images of abused children should be
decriminalised. Anyone checked his computer lately?
— Sonia Poulton (@SoniaPoulton) December 5, 2014
@SoniaPoulton Shameful and potentially-illegal ...
— The OSC (@OSC______P) December 5, 2014
Viewing images of child sexual abuse is #CSA via @EVB_Now #SimonBailey, #ACPO
— Red (@RedThunk) December 5, 2014
#SimonBailey, wants to make 'watchers of child abuse' a medical not criminal offence. They need both. They are both sick and criminal.
— Sonia Poulton (@SoniaPoulton) December 5, 2014
Simon Bailey @NorfolkPolice is so wrong and clearly does not understand online child sex offenders, or prioritise victims of child abuse.
— Jonathan Taylor MSc (@Besafe_Online) December 5, 2014
*New Post*
Viewing images of child sexual abuse is child sexual abuse. via @EVB_Now
— Ending Victimisation (@EVB_Now) December 5, 2014
Interview on BBC WorldTonight ref police suggestion to not prosecute some who download child pornography
— David Niven (@DaveNiven) December 6, 2014
@mwalkerdine @IanMcFadyen1966 He said "consumers" of abuse images created a market for it, and were therefore "causing the abuse".
— b-l-u-e zara 35 (@bluebell161005) December 6, 2014
@DaveNiven Please stop selling the same old dangerous lies ...
— The OSC (@OSC______P) December 6, 2014
(Embedded tweets - click date) *****
December 5, 2014
Viewing images of child sexual abuse is child sexual abuse.
"We were horrified by the comments of Simon Bailey, Chief Constable of Norfolk police & the Association of Chief Police Officers’ lead on child protection and abuse investigations in the Guardian this morning suggesting that men who look at images of children being sexually abused, raped and tortured were “not all were an immediate threat”.
Men who look at these images or videos online PAY to do so fueling an industry which is based on the sexual exploitation and torture of children. No one “accidentally stumbles” on images of child sexual abuse, rape and torture. They have to search for these images and, then, they pay for them. This is without getting into the issue of “pay-per-view” child sexual abuse where men pay to watch another man torture a child live.
Images of children being sexually abused, tortured and raped are a growth industry because men PAY to see these images and videos. They look at the images knowing the children are being abused. They look at them because they don’t care. They believe they are entitled to watch these images of children being tortured – some as young as a day old.
These men need to be held criminally liable for participating in the sexual exploitation, rape and torture of children.
It’s incredibly frighting that the ACPO lead on child protection and abuse investigations doesn’t get this – that he confuses paedophilia, a psychological condition which very few have, with the vast majority of perpetrators who CHOOSE to sexually abuse children. And, that Bailey doesn’t understand that those who are clinically diagnosed as paedophiles are still making a choice.
We suggest that ACPO sign up Bailey and all of their members for some proper training on child sexual exploitation from an organisation who understand that viewing images of children being sexually abused, raped and tortured is a crime. That these men are financially supporting an industry which is based entirely on the rape, sexual abuse and torture of children."
So much emotive, incorrect, BS ... we will just let it lie, for now.
Why are you all, so blatantly, lying?
Have You Learned Nothing? - Causality and Correlation of Owning Images
Greater Than 30% Of IIOC Viewers Are 'Hands-On Paedos' - How Did This Mythology Arise?
When Judges Talk Rubbish - Voodoo Obiter Dicta
Paedophiles ‘should be treated not jailed’ says police chief (PA)
— The Times of London (@thetimes) December 6, 2014
(Embedded tweet - click date)"Jim Gamble: questioned the message being put out by police."
Even Then
Friday 1 June 2007 06.28 EDT
Paedophiles [sic] 'need treatment, not prison' Jim Gamble says not all offenders should go to jail.
""Viewing" paedophiles should be treated in the community rather than be sent to jail, the head of the national police child protection unit said today."
"Jim Gamble, head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), said too many people were being convicted of child sex offences to be dealt with in the criminal justice system.
He proposed that lower risk offenders, such as those convicted of downloading abusive images of children, should receive a police caution and then be managed in the community.
"We shouldn't be sending everyone that ever commits an offence - particularly of the viewing kind - to prison," Mr Gamble told BBC Radio 4's Today programme."
The World Tonight
"The UK's leading policeman on child abuse - Simon Bailey - suggests that at least 50% of people who view images of children online should not go to prison - and need to be dealt with by the NHS."
— The OSC (@OSC______P) December 9, 2014
(Embedded Tweet - click date)
A top police officer has received criticism for saying paedophiles who view child abuse images need medical help not prison. Is he right?
— LBC (@LBC) December 10, 2014
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October 2014
Sex Offenders - time to step outside the anger?
Virtuous Pedophiles Exist
"It is a commonly held belief that individuals with a sexual interest in children (that is, pedophiles) are at an extremely high risk of committing (or to have already committed) a sexual offence against a child. When people hear ‘pedophiles’, most immediately think ‘child molester’, ‘predator’, or ‘sex offender’.
Most overlook an important distinction: pedophiles are those who hold a sexual interest in children whereas sex offenders against children are those who have committed a sexual offence against a child.
These terms are not synonymous. Indeed, a large body of research has found that not all pedophiles are sex offenders, and not all sex offenders are pedophiles (Seto, 2008). Some pedophiles only have a sexual interest in children (exclusive pedophiles), whereas other pedophiles have a sexual interest in both children and adults (nonexclusive pedophiles)."
If you are affected, by any of the issues, raised, here ...
MAPs - you are not alone - very much, not alone ... - - - - - - -
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